Teaching and supervision

Université de Montpellier

Università della Calabria

Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III

Linguistique informatique - Licence Sciences du Langage  (with Rachel Panckhurst)

Informatique et Lexicographie - Licence Sciences du Langage 

Linguistique de corpus écrits - Licence Sciences du Langage 

Analyse de données textuelles - Master DIMIP (with  Sascha Diwersy)

Outils d’analyse des corpus écrits et oraux (with Fabrice Hirsch et Rachel Panckhurst)

Supervision of students


2023-2024 - Supervision of  BA thesis  - Daniele Melaccio, with Angelo Mario Del Grosso.

2020-2021 - Supervision of 2 BA thesis at University of Pisa, within the framework of the ELEXIS Project (with Monica Monachini and Valeria Quochi)


2022 - Memoire Master Lettres Modernes - UPVM - Amaury Rothe-Boll, La géographie du voyage dans le Journal d’un voyage fait aux Indes Orientales de Robert Challe : un espace d’explorations pour un écrivain en devenir (with Maria-Susana Seguin) -

2019 - Memoire Master DIMIP- UPVM - Joviale Foirest (with Rachel Panckhurst)

2019 - Memoire Master DIMIP- UPVM - Dorin Stanchescu

2018 - Memoire Master DIMIP- UPVM - Chaninèze Djeniah (with Rachel Panckhurst)

2017 - Rapport de stage (Master DIMIP - UPVM) - Nathalie Salaun

2017 - Memoire Master DIMIP - UPVM - Stéphanie Rascol (with Rachel Panckhurst)


2018 -2022- co-supervision of the PhD thesis of Zaida Lucía BARTOLOME DIAZ (University of Las Palmas Grand Canaria & Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)

2017 - 2021 - co-supervision of the PhD thesis of Alessandra Gargano Università di Salerno (tutor of international PhD programme)

Predoc and Postdoc (Assegni di Ricerca)

2021 - Assegno di ricerca - CLARIN-IT Dario del Fante 


2021 - 2022 Assegno di ricerca SSHOC  - Federica Gamba



Since 05/2023 - Member of the steering committee (Comitato di indirizzo) of the Corso di laurea in Lingue per la Comunicazione Interculturale e d'Impresa, University of Siena