Presentations, invited talks

20/06/2024 Frontini, Francesca, and Giulia Pedonese. 2024. ‘CLARIN per La Gestione FAIR Dei Dati Linguistici’. Presented at the Seminario Seminario Laboratorio Sperimentale Dipartimento di Lingue, Dipartimento di Letterature e Culture Moderne (LILEC), Bologna (Online).

18/04/2024 'Prospettive interdisciplinari nello studio delle testimonianze dei sopravvissuti. La collaborazione tra le infrastrutture CLARIN ed EHRI'. Presentazione su invito al convegno Voci dall’Inferno. Dante nelle testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai lager, Pisa 18-19 aprile 2023.

02/02/2024, 'Costruire Una Infrastruttura: L’esempio Di CLARIN'. Lezione su invito all'evento "Training ITSERR", Palermo/Online.

30/01/2024, 'SEMINARIO ITALO-FRANCESE: Italiano e francese, quali sono le sfide per le nostre lingue?'  Salone d’Ercole, Palazzo Farnese - Roma - Partecipazione su invito a tavola rotonda Come conciliare la competitività in Europa con un’IA e con delle tecnologie linguistiche che siano responsabili?

1/11/2023. Frontini, Francesca. 2023. 'Entity Recognition for Information Extraction from Domain Specific Texts'. Presented at the Autumn School in Artificial Intelligence (IA2), Sète, France,

13/06/2023 Frontini, Francesca, e Monica Monachini. 2023. 'CLARIN ERIC and CLARIN-IT'. Presentato al Digital Tools for Humanists Summer School 2023, Pisa and Online.

26/01/2023 'Nouveaux Métiers, Nouveaux Besoins – La Perspective Internationale, de CLARIN ERIC à l’EOSC’'. Invited presentation at the Séminaire DU SDM ‘Les métiers de la donnée dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique.’, Montpellier.

07/02/2023 'Words and the Company they Keep: Digital corpora and infrastructures for the foreign language classroom'. Invited talk at Seminari LEND Modena, "Didattica della lingua, della cultura e cittadinanza attiva: sfide educative contemporanee", Online.

17/11/2022, Participation in Round Table 'Les données simulées au profit de la défense' at CAID 2022, organized by Fréderique Segond.

11/07/2022, with Fahad Khan, 'FAIR Language Resources for Ancient Languages: Standards and Infrastructuresp'. Presentation at Insight NUIG.

13/06/2022 Frontini, Francesca, e Monica Monachini. 2022. 'CLARIN ERIC and CLARIN-IT'. Presentato al Digital Tools for Humanists Summer School 2022, Pisa and Online.

12/06/2021 Hasani-Mavriqi, Ilire, and Francesca Frontini. 2021. ‘EOSC Association Task Force on Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths’. Presented at the Training the trainers: Data Management and FAIR data principles in university curricula.

Eskevich, Maria, and Francesca Frontini. 2021. ‘SSHOC’ing Drama in the Cloud’. July 8. Workshop co-located with the LIBER annual conference

Frontini, Francesca, e Monica Monachini. 2021. 'CLARIN ERIC e CLARIN-IT'. Presentato al Scienza aperta e gestione dei dati per le scienze umane e del patrimonio culturale: corso di formazione, June 8.

Frontini, Francesca. 2021a. ‘CLARIN ERIC and CLARIN-IT’. Presented at the Pisa Summer School, Pisa, Italy (Virtual Event), May 25.

Frontini, Francesca.  2021b. ‘Disseminating and Teaching CLARIN  in the Time of Corona.  Challenges and Opportunities’. Presented at the Latvian Language Digital Resources And Tools For Education, June 2.

Francesca, Frontini, and Monachini Monica, ‘CLARIN: Tools, Methods, Services, Best Practices for Digital Corpora’ (presented at the Online workshop Creating digital text corpora from archival materials, VedhP, 2020) Slides

Frontini, Francesca, ‘CLARIN 2021.  Lo Stato Dell’infrastruttura e Le Opportunità per ILC’ (unpublished Virtual Conference

Presentation presented at the Seminari ILC - CIclo ‘Mi Presento’, Pisa, Italy, 2020) Slides

Frontini, Francesca, ‘Dans les coulisses des infrastructures européennes en SHS - Rôle et opportunités pour les acteurs de la recherche (ingénieurs et chercheurs)’ (presented at the Journées annuelles du réseau Mate-shs (JA2020), Montpellier, 2020) <> Slides

Francesca, Frontini. 2020. CLARIN2020 Steven Krauwer Award Winner Interview by Wessel Leon.

Denis, Eckert, and Francesca Frontini. 2020. ‘The First Dictionaries in Esperanto. Towards the Creation of a Parallel Corpus’. In CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, edited by Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020 (5-7 October). Virtual Edition. Madrid, Spain: CLARIN.

Francesca, Frontini, Brando Carmen, Byszuk Joanna, Galleron Ioana, Santos Diana, and Stanković Ranka. 2020. ‘Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC’. In CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, edited by Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020 (5-7 October). Virtual Edition. Madrid, Spain: CLARIN.

Panckhurst, Rachel, and Francesca Frontini. 2020. ‘An Internationally FAIR Mediated Digital Discourse Corpus: Towards Scientific and Pedagogical Reuse’. In CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, edited by Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020 (5-7 October). Virtual Edition. Madrid, Spain: CLARIN.

Galleron, Ioana, Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, and Motasem Alrahabi. 2020. ‘Les Guides d’annotation Des Entités Nommées : Similitudes, Différences, Difficultés’. In Humanistica 2020. Archives Du Colloque. Bordeaux, France. 

Frontini, Francesca. 2019. Invited panelist at Panel 1 - Language and Literature.  Global Forum on AI for Humanity - Workshop 2 AI for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences, Paris, October 28.

Hans Dillaerts, Francesca Frontini. 2019. Quel cycle de vie pour les données de la recherche en linguistique informatique à l’ère des humanités numériques ? Entretien avec Francesca Frontini, October 17.

Bohbot, Hervé, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan (presenter), Mohamed Khemakhem, and Laurent Romary. 2019. “Nénufar: Modelling a Diachronic Collection of Dictionary Editions as a Computational Lexical Resource.” Presented at the ELEXIS 2019, Sintra, Portugal, October 1.

Frontini, Francesca. 2019. Interview at CLARIN2019 in Leipzig on my role as CLARIN ambassador. September 30.

Bo, Beatrice Dal, Francesca Frontini, Giancarlo Luxardo, and Agnès Steuckardt. 2019. “Indexing and Linking Text in a Large Body of Family Writings.” Poster presented at the Dh2019 Book of Abstracts, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 8.

Soudani, Aicha, Yosra Meherzi, Asma Bouhafs, Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Yoann Dupont, and Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet. 2019. “Adapting a System for Named Entity Recognition and Linking for 19th Century French Novels.” Poster presented at the DH2019 Book of Abstracts, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 10.

Francesca Frontini, L'infrastructure CLARIN pour les ressources linguistiques et les outils pour l'analyse textuelle stylistique. 2019. Poster presentation at the Conference Interroger le texte à l'ère de l' "intelligence mécanique" : la stylistique outillée, au carrefour du disciplinaire et de l'interdisciplinaire, Montpellier. June 11-12.

Frontini, Francesca. 2019. “Technologies sémantiques et éditorialisation : création et exploitation d’éditions numériques enrichies.” Invited talk presented at the Séminaire Humanités numériques 2019    Réception et transmission, MSHB - Rennes, March 20.

Impoco, Marjorie, Ivana Didirkova, Clémence Jacquot, Melissa Barkat-Defradas, Christelle Dodane, Francesca Frontini, and Fabrice Hirsch. 2018. Quelle(s) Voix Pour Les Livres Audio ? Une Étude Acoustique et Perceptive. Presented at the La Perception en langue et en discours (3e éd.) - Colloque international de Sciences du langage, Université d’Opole.

Reconstructing Urban Cartography Using Geo-Annotations.” presented at the International Medieval Congress 2018 - Panel 1038 Collective Memory in Montpellier’s Petit Thalamus: Digital Humanities, Language, and the Mapping of the Past, Leeds, UK, April 7.

"All that words won’t say NLP, DH and knowledge". 2017. Presented at the Séminaire Lattice, ENS, Paris. February 20th.

Bohbot, Herve, Alexandre Fauchere, Francesca Frontini, Agata Jackiewicz, Giancarlo Luxardo, Agnès Steuckardt, Mohamed Khemakhem, and Laurent Romary. 2018. “A Diachronic Digital Edition of the Petit Larousse Illustré.” Poster presented at the Journée d’étude CORLI : Traitements et standardisation des corpus multimodaux et web 2.0., Paris, France, May.

"CLARIN-IT". 2017. Presented at "Qu’est-ce que Clarin ?" Journée organisée par le consortium CORLI, Université Paris Diderot. September 5th.

"Automated text analysis: a gentle introduction" 2017. Séminaire du Laboratoire EMMA, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, June 6th.

"Tutorial on “Computational Stylistics for literary style analysis: Syntax Extraction". 2015. Courant Centre “Text Structures” Göttingen, December 4th.

"The Syntax of Stage. Studying Linguistic Patterns in Molière" 2015. With Elodie Benard, invited talk at the Göttinger philologische Forum, Göttiongen, December, 3rd.

"Trattamento automatico del linguaggio per le digital humanities". 2015. Invited talk at the Seminario di Cultura Digitale, Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica, Università di Pisa, November, 4th.

"TAL per E-Books, libri elettronici ed enhanced books". 2015. Invited talk at the TAL e Beni Culturali: Giornata di Studi a cura del Forum per il Trattamento Automatico della Lingua, Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera, September, 14th.

"Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels". 2015. Presentation at the Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities (GDDH 2015), Göttingen, July 14 .

"Indexing names in digital editions". 2015. Presentation at the Dariah Summer School, Villa Vigoni.

"Apports du numérique : identification d'auteur et stylistique numérique". 2015. Presentation at the workshop "Robert Challe : approches numériques des questions d'auctorialité", Paris. 

"Using the META-SHARE Model Implementation for Describing and Documenting Language Resources". 2012. Tutorial at LREC 2012 organised by Maria Gavrilidou. (Presentation on "Lexical/conceptual resource components")

Abrate M., Bacciu C., Frontini F., Lapolla M. N., Marchetti A., Monachini M. 2012. "Web Language Identification Testing Tool". Poster presented at: The Multilingual Web - the Way Ahead, Luxembourg.

"Towards interfacing lexical and ontological resources", (with Monica Monachini). 2011. Presentation at LOCI “Locativité et Interaction en Logique, Linguistique et Informatique” (ANR 2010), Roma, September 30 and October 1.

"Analisi automatica di Corpora L2". 2011. Presentation at the Workshop on "Corpora di Italiano L1 e L2: risorse linguistiche e strumenti di analisi", Verona, May 2011.

"Misurare la co-occorrenza statistica delle parole in un testo". 2011. Presentation at the Workshop on 'Metodologie quantitative per il trattamento di dati linguistici', Pavia, April 2011.

"Statistical profiling of Italian L2 texts: competence and native language". 2010. Presentation at 'Eurosla 2010', Reggio Emilia, Italy, September 2010.

"Form to function approach to SLA-tagging", (with Stefano Rastelli). 2009. Poster presented at ‘Baal 2009’, Newcastle, UK, September 2009.

"The interlanguage of Persian learners of Italian: a focus on complex predicates", (with Francesca Mazzariello). 2009. Poster presented at the '1st International Conference on Languages and Dialects in Iran', Zahedan, Iran, October.

"A SLA approach to the automatic treatment of learners' corpora", (with Stefano Rastelli). 2008. Presentation at 'SLE 2008', Forlì, Italy, September 2008.

"L’adattamento di un parser  di italiano L1: problemi e prospettive",  (with Sadegh Astaneh). 2007. Presentation at ‘Workshop: Corpora di italiano L2: tecnologie, metodi, spunti teorici’, Pavia, Italy, November.