
StarWars (2023- ) - STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management

The STARWARS project aims to bring together researchers from the AI and Water Sciences communities in order to enhance the emergence of new practical solutions for representing, managing, modelling, merging, completing, reasoning, explaining and query answering over data of different forms pertaining to stormwater and wastewater networks. The project is coordinated by CNRS and brings together partners from Europe, Africa and Asia.


See website

My role: Task  “Building multi-lingual terminological resources for the wastewater and the stormwater domains”

Secondments at parter labs: 

H2IOSC (2022- ) - Humanities and Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud

H2IOSC aims at creating a federated and inclusive cluster of RIs in the ESFRI domain of Social and Cultural Innovation to allow researchers from various disciplines in the Humanities, Language technologies and the Cultural Heritage sectors collaborate in data and compute intensive research.

Funding: Research Infrastructures Recovery Fund (PNRR Infrastrutture)

See website

My role: Leader of WP8 - Training; in charge of organising the overall H2IOSC training strategy and developing the training section of the H2IOSC portal. T8.2 Leader: in charge of developing and overseing the CLARIN-IT training activities.

ELEXIS (2020-2022)

European Lexicografic Infrastructure.

Visit the ELEXIS website.

My role: Collaborated in the development of annotated resources and training materials.

SSHOC (2019-2022)

Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) is a project funded by the EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and unites 20 partner organisations and their 27 associates in developing the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Visit the SSHOC portal

My role: I am mainly involved in WP3 activities (multilingual metadata and terminologies)  , and, on a smaller scale, in outreach and training activities for CLARIN ERIC.

MeDo (2018- 2021)

MeDo stands for "Megadonnées, données liées et fouille de données pour les réseaux d’assainissement".

The project aims to use Web big data for learning about geometry and history of wastewater networks, by combining different data mining techniques and multiplying analysed sources.

Funding: Region Occitanie; project coordinator Nanée Chahinian HSM Montpellier.


My role: responsible for the Praxiling local unit and member of the steering committee

AcTo  (2018 - 2020)

Acolhir e Tornar – Ressorsas numericas per l'occitan medieval.

The AcTo project aims at creating a network of digital philology projects working on Textual and Linguistic Resources for Medieval Occitan, in order to promote the use of common practices and harmonisation. Two workshops were held in Montpellier, which have kickstarted ongoing collaboration projects.

Funding: Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3; project coordinator Gilda Russo, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier.


My role: responsible for the Praxiling unit and member of the steering committee.

Distant Reading for European Literary History (2017-2022) 

is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary to change the way European literary history is written.


Funding: COST Action CA16204

My role: Involved since 2019 as a member of the WG2 Methods and tools; collaborating in the definition of the Named Entity annotation guidelines for the European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC) collection, and part of the annotation team for French.

ALEVo –  (2017-ongoing)

ALEVo stands for "Audio-livres et vocalité". 

The project, at the crossroad between speech and media studies, aims at investigating the editorial practices of the audiobook industry and the possible contributions of Language and speech technologies research to this domain.

Funding: CNRS


My role: responsible for the project with Fabrice Hirsch and Clémence Jacquot.

CommonData (2017 - 2020)

Les Données de la Recherche, des Communs Scientifiques ?

The CommonData project carried out an inquiry among researchers of various disciplines in the Montpellier area, to investigate the practices of Research Data use and management. The results highlighted the differences between the Open Data policy promoted by the French Government and the practices and attitudes of researchers.

Funding: MSH Sud; project coordinator Agnès Robin, Université de Montpellier.


My role: responsible for the Praxiling unit and member of the steering committee.

NENUFAR (2017- Ongoing)

Publishing the digital editions of the Petit Larousse Illustré dictionaries (1905-1947).

Funding: CORLI consortium, CAHIER consortium, DGLFLF. Project coordination Hervé Bohbot, laboratoire Praxiling


My role: member of the scientific committee, responsible for the CORLI funding.

CLARIN-IT (2015-ongoing)

The Italian node of the Common Language Resources Infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities (CLARIN)

Visit the CLARIN-IT portal

My role: part of the team running the national consortium at ILC-CNR; from 2015 to 2016 I was Italian national representative in the SCCTC.

PARTHENOS (2015-2019)

PARTHENOS aims at strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures, integrating initiatives, e-infrastructures and other world-class infrastructures, and building bridges between different, although tightly, interrelated fields. PARTHENOS will achieve this objective through the definition and support of common standards, the coordination of joint activities, the harmonisation of policy definition and implementation, and the development of pooled services and of shared solutions to the same problems.

My role in PARTHENOS is to represent, together with other CLARIN partners, the point of view of the Language Resources community in terms of standards, policies and best practices.

Funding: EU H2020


My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit

MAPS (Marine Planning and Service Platform)  (2015-2018) 

Piattaforma informatica per la pianificazione ed il controllo dell’ambiente marino e lo sviluppo di servizi a valore aggiunto.

Funding: POR-FESR (Asse 1 Innovazione e Competitività)

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit

FMSH Scholarship at LABEX OBVIL

Computational resources and tools for the study of French literature.

My role: Development of tools for computational stylistics and NEL (REDEN) 

OPENER (2012-2014)

Customer reviews and ratings on the Internet are increasing importance in the evaluation of products and services by potential customers. In certain sectors, it is even becoming a fundamental variable in the purchase decision. OpeNer aims to create base technologies for Cross-lingual NERC and Sentiment Analysis that will enable industry users to both implement and contribute to a basic set of core technologies that all require and allow them to focus their efforts on providing tailored and innovative solutions at the rules and analysis levels.

Funding: EU FP7 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit and helped develop the Italian Sentiment Lexicon.

IMAGACT (2010-2013)

IMAGACT aims to set up an infrastructure that can strongly reduce the present theoretical limits to Natural Language Understanding for what regards the reference to action at both intra and cross linguistic levels, providing an Cross-linguistic Action Ontology which specify in unambiguous manner the range of ontological variation of action verbs in different languages, so allowing their productive translation. The information concerning the relationship among actions as ontological entities and their cross-linguistic lexical encoding can be derived from available resources. Spontaneous Speech Corpora contain a reference to the more frequent actions in everyday life and their lexical encoding. The actions that are more frequently performed in our everyday environment can be identified by observing the reference of high frequency verbs in spontaneous speech corpora.

Funding: Regione Toscana PAR/FAS 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit and helped develop and validate the Italian resource.

GLOSS (2010-2013)

GLOSS is a project funded by the Regione Toscana, Italy. The aim of GLOSS is to develop tools for semantic mining of documents in the public security domain, with a focus on environmental threats.

Within the scope of GLOSS a translation of the Geonames Features into Italian has been carried out and two mappings between the Geonames Feature Codes and Princeton WordNet 3.0 and Italwordnet have been carried out.

Download here the resulting translation and mapping, or visit the rdf linked data version at

Funding: Regione Toscana PAR/FAS 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit and the Geonames mapping.

PANACEA (2010-2013)

The objective of PANACEA is to build a factory of language resources that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of language resources required by MT systems, and by other applications based on Language Technologies, and in the time required.

Funding: EU FP7 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit and helped develop  lexical resources for Italian.

META-SHARE at T4ME (2010-2013)

META-SHARE builds a multi-layer infrastructure that makes available quality documented linguistic resources and related metadata.

Funding: EU FP7 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit

KYOTO (2009-2012)

The goal of KYOTO is a system that allows people in communities to define the meaning of their words and terms in a shared Wiki platform so that it becomes anchored across languages and cultures but also so that a computer can use this knowledge to detect knowledge and facts in text. 

Funding: EU FP7 

My role: I was attached to the ILC-CNR research unit

Mutamento e acquisizione di categorie linguistiche (2005 -2007) 

National project leader: P. M. Bertinetto; Local referent for Pavia: Prof. Anna Giacalone ).

Funding: PRIN

My role: I was attached to the University of Pavia research unit