Scientific roles and achievements

01/04/2024 - onwards, Member of the Scientific Committee Meertens Institute-KNAW

21/05/2024 - Member of the organising committee of the Holocaust Testimonies as Language Resources (HTRes2024) workshop co- located with LREC-COLING 2024.

2024-onwards, Comitato di redazione della rivista OAr (Oral Archives Journal)

2024-onwards, Member of the AIUCD Coordinating committee, appointed Treasurer of the association

2023-onwards, Member of the ELRA Language Resources Association Board

2023-onwards, Comitato di indirizzo dei 2 corsi di laurea in Lingue - Università di Siena

2023-06-30, co-organiser with Rebora, S., Byszuk, J., Herrmann, J. B., Mpouli, S., & Ruiz Fabo, P. of the workshop "SIG-DLS Seven Years on. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity" (co-located with DH2023), Graz, Austria.

25/07/2022, Co-organiser of the DH2022 SIG Workshop – Not FAIR yet? Infrastructures for Digital Literary Stylistics under the global looking glass, co-located with DH2022.

13/07/2022, Co-organiser of the  Teaching with CLARIN Workshop at TaLC 2022

2021-2023, Member of the Task Force Data stewardship curricula and career paths, EOSC.

21/09/2021 - onwards, Project leader of ISO/AWI 24613-6

2021-2023 - Member of advisory board of the TRIPLE project.

2021 - CLIC-it 2021 (co-track chair of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing for the Humanities).

12-22/01/2021 - Member of the Programme Committee of AIUCD 2021, online conference

01/01/2021 - 31/01/2024 Member of the CLARIN ERIC Board of directors; I am responsible among other things for User involvement and Dissemination Activities (CLARIN Cafés; Tour de CLARIN; Ambassadors programme). I also am part of the KIC committee.

2020 - obtained the CLARIN 2020 Steven Krauwer award (My interview)

20/07/2020 - Member of the organising committee of the virtual workshop Tool Criticism 3.0  (co-located with DH2020 and endorsed by the SIG-DLS)

10/06/2020 - Organiser of the CLARIN Café II: How to use CLARIN in (online) higher education (Virtual Event)

2020 - Co-editor of the special issue of the Humanistica journal on Humanités Spatialisées (Spatial Humanities).

2019 - Co-editor with Jean-Gabriel Ganascia of the special issue of the TAL journal on Digital Humanities

09/07/2019 - Member of the organising committee of the workshop DLS Tool Criticism. An Anatomy of Use Cases  (co-located with DH2029 in Utrecht and endorsed by the SIG-DLS)

11-12/06/2019 - Member of the organising committee of the Montpellier conference in computational stylistics

15-16/11/2018 - Member of the organising committee of AcTo workshop on computational language resources for Medieval Occitan - CIRDOC Béziers.

06/11/2018 - Member of the organising committee of the HumaNS workshop on spatial humanities co-located with Sageo, Montpellier.

06-09/11/2018 - Member of the organising committee of Sageo 2018, Montpellier.

2018  Member of the Comité de selection MCF "Lexicologie et terminologie outillée/computationnelle" - INALCO, Paris.

2018 - ongoing - Member of the "comité de redaction" of the Cahiers de Praxématique journal.

2018 - 2020 - Ambassador of the CLARIN ERIC infrastructure

2018 - 2020 - Member of the CLARIN-FR steering committee and France representative in the CLARIN standard committee.

2018 ongoing - Member of the Steering Committee of the Digital Literary Stylistics Special Interest Group (SIG-DLS) 

26-29/06/2018 - Member of the Organising Committee and presenter at the  Atelier de formation annuel du consortium Cahier "Rétro-numérisation de documents historiques et partage dans le Web sémantique : l’exemple de la lexicographie"  organised in Montpellier by the Praxiling Laboratory and the Cahier Consortium (Huma-Num) with the support of CLARIN and DARIAH ERIC. 

19/09/2017 - Member of the organising committee of the Language, Ontology, Terminology and  Knowledge Structures Workshop  (LOTKS 2017) (co-located with IWCS 2017).

1/10/2015-31/08/2016, Member of the Standing Committee for CLARIN Technical Centres on behalf of CLARIN-IT.

12/07/2016 - Member of the organising committee of Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop (a DH 2016 workshop).

11/07/2016 - Member of the organising committee of the workshop A place for Places: Current Trends and Challenges in the Development and Use of Geo-Historical Gazetteers (a DH 2016 workshop).

23/05/2016 - Member of the organising committee of the Joint Second Workshop on Language and Ontology & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (LangOnto2 + TermiKS) (co-located with LREC 2016).

30/05/2014 – Member of the organizing committee of the tutorial/ hackathon “Come Hack With OpeNER” (co-located with LREC 2014).

2014 – Member of the organising committee of the LREC 2014 – Reykjavik.

Since 2014 – Member of the “Ontolex” w3c working group.

2014 - Obtained the "Fernand Braudel" Marie Cure Scholarship for a 9 months postdoctoral fellowship at Labex OBVIL.