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Papers and Technical Reports


Pedonese, Giulia, Francesca Frontini, Roberta Ottaviani, Federico Boschetti, Alessia Spadi, Lucia Francalanci, Alessia Scognamiglio, et al. 2024. ‘Materiali Didattici Come Oggetti Digitali FAIR: Una Metodologia Condivisa per La Formazione in H2IOSC’. In AIUCD 2024 Book of Abstracts - Mete digitali. Catania: EasyChair.

Khan, Fahad, Ana Salgado, Isuri Anuradha, Rute Costa, Chamila Liyanage, John P. McCrae, Atul Kumar Ojha, Priya Rani, and Francesca Frontini. 2024. ‘CHAMUÇA: Towards a Linked Data Language Resource of Portuguese Borrowings in Asian Languages’. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, edited by Christian Chiarcos, Katerina Gkirtzou, Maxim Ionov, Fahad Khan, John P. McCrae, Elena Montiel Ponsoda, and Patricia Martín Chozas, 44–48. Torino, Italia: ELRA and ICCL.

Gromann, Dagmar, Hugo Goncalo Oliveira, Lucia Pitarch, Elena-Simona Apostol, Jordi Bernad, Eliot Bytyçi, Chiara Cantone, ... Francesca Frontini et al. 2024. ‘MultiLexBATS: Multilingual Dataset of Lexical Semantic Relations’. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), edited by Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste, Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti, and Nianwen Xue, 11783–93. Torino, Italia: ELRA and ICCL.

Frontini, Francesca, Amaury Roth-Boll, and Maria Susana Seguin. 2024. ‘Cartographie d’une Aventure Approche Numérique Du Journal d’un Voyage Fait Aux Indes Orientales de Robert Challe’. In Robert Challe et l’aventure, edited by Geneviève Artigas-Menant, Marc André Bernier, and Christophe Martin. Le Dix-Huitième Siècle, N° 46. Classiques Garnier.

Kalová, Tereza, Francesca Frontini, Laetitia Bracco, Dunja Legat, Joke Meeus, and Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi. 2024. ‘Data Stewardship Career Paths: Recommendations of the EOSC Task Force Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths’. Zenodo.


Drengubiak, Ján, Fabrice Hirsch, Ivana Didirková, and Francesca Frontini. 2023. ‘The Perception of Voice Qualities in Audiobooks in the Context of Teaching French as a Second Language’. In Literatúra vo Výučbe – Vyučovať Literatúru; La Littérature Dans l’enseignement - Enseigner La Littérature; Literature in Teaching - Teaching Literature, edited by Ján Drengubiak, Univerzitná knižnica Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove.

Caiti-Russo, Gilda, and Francesca Frontini. 2023. ‘Migrazione Di Testi e Di Codici Manoscritti: Risorse Digitali per La Ricostruzione Dell’Occitania Medievale’. In Storie Di Idee Nell’Europa Mediterranea : Trasmissione Di Parole e Saperi Nel Medioevo e Nella Prima Età Moderna., edited by Cosimo Burgassi, Elisa Guadagnini, and Giulio Vaccaro, 537–68. Cagliari: ISEM - Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea: Casalini. DOI: 10.7410/1678.

Khan, Anas Fahad, Michele Cavallaro, Rafael Cruz González, Javier Díaz-Vera, Francesca Frontini, and Francisco Javier Minaya Gómez. 2023. ‘Constructing an Old English WordNet: The Case of Guilt’. In La Memoria Digitale. Forme Del Testo e Organizzazione Della Conoscenza. Atti Del XII Convegno Annuale AIUCD, edited by Emmanuela Carbè, Gabriele Lo Piccolo, Alessia Valenti, and Francesco Stella, 122–24. Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena.

Branco, A., M. Eskevich, F. Frontini, J. Hajič, E. Hinrichs, F. de Jong, P. Kamocki, et al. 2023. ‘The CLARIN Infrastructure as an Interoperable Language Technology Platform for SSH and Beyond’. Language Resources and Evaluation, June.  <>

Frontini, Francesca, Laurent Romary, and Anas Fahad Khan. 2023. ‘ISO LMF 24613-6: A Revised Syntax Semantics Module for the Lexical Markup Framework’. In Proceedings of LDK 2023 – 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge. Vienna, Austria.  <>.

Monachini, Monica, e Francesca Frontini. 2023. «Infrastrutture digitali per le scienze umane e sociali». In Digital Humanities. Metodi, strumenti, saperi, 197–213. Studi Superiori. Carocci Editore.

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Anne-Sophie Bories, Francesca Frontini, Clèmence Jacquot, Steffen Pielström, Simone Rebora, Geoffrey Rockwell, e Stéfan Sinclair. 2023. 'Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies'. Digital Humanities Quarterly 017 (2). 



Martelli, Federico, Marco Maru, Cesare Campagnano, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi, Rafael-J. Ureña-Ruiz, Francesca Frontini, et al. 2022 D3.8 Lexical-Semantic Analytics for NLP. Report. ELEXIS - European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

Menant, Genevuève, Francesca Frontini, Mami Fujiwara, e Chrostophe Martin. 2022. «Approches numériques des questions d’auctorialité. Le corpus Challe». In Observer la vie littéraire. Études littéraires et numériques, a cura di Didier Alexandre e Glenn Roe, 167–92.  Cultures et Pratiques Savantes Du Numérique 2. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. ISBN 978-2-406-13346-9.

Jong, Franciska de, Dieter Van Uytvanck, Francesca Frontini, Antal van den Bosch, Darja Fišer, and Andreas Witt. 2022. “Language Matters. The European Research Infrastructure CLARIN, Today and Tomorrow.” In CLARIN. The Infrastructure for Language Resources, by Darja Fišer and Andreas Witt, 1:31–58. Digital Linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Gamba, Federica, Francesca Frontini, Daan Broeder, and Monica Monachini. 2022. “Language Technologies for the Creation of Multilingual Terminologies. Lessons Learned from the SSHOC Project.” In Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 154–63. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association. Video presentation link:

Agnoloni, Tommaso, Roberto Bartolini, Francesca Frontini, Simonetta Montemagni, Carlo Marchetti, Valeria Quochi, Manuela Ruisi, and Giulia Venturi. 2022. “Making Italian Parliamentary Records Machine-Actionable: The Construction of the ParlaMint-IT Corpus.” In Proceedings of the Workshop ParlaCLARIN III within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 117–24. Marseille: European Language Resources Association.

Hirsch, Fabrice, Francesca Frontini, Ivana Didirková, Ján Drengubiak. 2022. «Esthétique de La Voix Dans Les Livres Audio En Langue Française». In Actes Du 8è Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 138:08004.

Fante, Dario Del, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Valeria Quochi. 2022. «Italian Language Resources. From CLARIN-IT to the VLO and Back: Sketching a Methodology for Monitoring LRs Visibility». Monica Monachini and Maria Eskevich (eds.). Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 189: 10–22.

Fante, Dario Del, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Valeria Quochi. 2022. «CLARIN-IT: An Overview on the Italian Clarin Consortium After Six Years of Activity». In Proceedings of the 18th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Beatrice Portelli, Domenico Redavid,  Gianmaria Silvello(eds.). Vol. 3160. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Padua, Italy: CEUR.

Martelli, Federico, Marco Maru, Cesare Campagnano, Roberto Navigli, Paola Velardi, Rafael-J. Ureña-Ruiz, Francesca Frontini, et al. 2022. “D3.8 Lexical-Semantic Analytics for NLP.” Report. ELEXIS - European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

Tasovac, Toma, Carole Tiberius, Claudia Bamberg, Thomas Burch, Julia Hennemann, Kris Heylen, Miloš Jakubíček, et al. 2022. «D5.3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals». Report. ELEXIS - European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

Frontini, Francesca, Andrea Bellandi, Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini, Karlheinz Mörth, Susanne Zhanial, Matej Ďurčo, Anna Woldrich. 2022. «CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work». Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module].


Frontini, Francesca, Federica Gamba, Monica Monachini, Daan Broeder, Kea Tijdens, Irena Vipavc Brvar. 2021. «D3.9 Report on Ontology and Vocabulary Collection and Publication», dicembre.

Del Fante, Dario, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Valeria Quochi. 2021. «CLARIN-IT Resources in CLARIN ERIC - a Bird’s-Eye View». In CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings, a cura di Monica Moniachini, Maria Eskevich (eds.), 129–33. ISSN 2773-2177 (online).

Martelli, Federico; Navigli, Roberto; Krek, Simon; Tiberius, Carole ; Kallas, Jelena; Gantar, Polona; Koeva, Svetla; Nimb, Sanni; Pedersen, Bolette Sandford; Olsen, Sussi; Langements, Margit; Koppel, Kristina; Üksik, Tiiu; Dobrovolijc, Kaja; Ureña-Ruiz, Rafael-J.; SanchoSánchez, José-Luis; Lipp, Veronika; Varadi, Tamas; Györffy, András; László, Simon; Quochi, Valeria; Monachini, Monica; Frontini, Francesca; Tempelaars, Rob; Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; ibej, Jaka; Munda, Tina 2021. ‘Designing the ELEXIS Parallel Sense-Annotated Dataset in 10 European Languages’. In ELex 2021 Proceedings. Virtual Conference.

Panckhurst, Rachel, and Francesca Frontini. 2021. ‘An Internationally Fair Mediated Digital Discourse Corpus: Improving Knowledge on Reuse’. Edited by Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Virtual Event, 2020, 5-7 October, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 180, , 185–93.

Chahinian, Nanée, Thierry Bonnabaud La Bruyère, Serge Conrad, Carole Delenne, Francesca Frontini, Marin Julien, Rachel Panckhurst, Mathieu Roche, Lucile Sautot, Laurent Deruelle, Maguelonne Teisseire. 2021. ‘WEIR-P: An Information Extraction Pipeline for the Wastewater Domain’. vEGU21: Gather Online, France, April.

Brando, Carmen, Francesca Frontini, Dominic Moreau, Mathieu Roche, and Éric Masson. 2021. ‘Introduction. Humanités numériques et analyses spatiales : enjeux et perspectives’. Humanités numériques, no. 3 (May).

Alrahabi, Motasem, Carmen Brando, Francesca Frontini, Arthur Provenier, Romain Jalabert, Margarite Bordry, Camille Koskas, and James Gawley. 2021. ‘Guide d’annotation Manuelle d’entités Nommées Dans Des Corpus Littéraires’.

Frontini, Francesca. 2021. ‘Infrastrutture di ricerca e dati FAIR’. Blog post. Leggere, scrivere e far di conto (blog). 2021.

Frontini, Francesca, and Anas Fahad Khan. 2021. ‘Di Cosa Parliamo Quando Parliamo Di FAIR?’ In AIUCD 2021 - DH per La Società: E-Guaglianza, Partecipazione, Diritti e Valori Nell’era Digitale. Raccolta Degli Abstract Estesi Della 10a Conferenza Nazionale, Pisa, 2021, edited by Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Federico Boschetti, and Enrica Salvatori, 19–24. Pisa, Italy: AIUCD.


Amiel, Philippe, Francesca Frontini, Pierre-Yves Lacour, and Agnès Robin. 2020. ‘Pratiques de gestion des données de la recherche : une nécessaire acculturation des chercheurs aux enjeux de la science ouverte ?. Résultats d’une enquête exploratoire dans le bassin montpelliérain (juin 2018)’. Cahiers Droit, Sciences & Technologies, no. 10 (May): 147–68.

Galleron, Ioana, Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, and Motasem Alrahabi. 2020. ‘Les Guides d’annotation Des Entités Nommées : Similitudes, Différences, Difficultés’. In Humanistica 2020. Archives Du Colloque. Bordeaux, France.

Bartolomé-Díaz, Zaida, and Francesca Frontini. 2020. ‘Building a Domain-Specific Bilingual Lexicon Resource with Sketch Engine and Lexonomy: Taking Ownership of the Issues’. In Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography, edited by Ilan Kernerman, Simon Krek, John P. McCrae, Jorge Gracia, Sina Ahmadi, and Besim Kabashi. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Panckhurst, Rachel, and Francesca Frontini. 2020. ‘Evolving Interactional Practices of Emoji in Text Messages’. In Visualizing Digital Discourse:  Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives, edited by Crispin Thurlow, Christa Dürscheid, and Federica Diémoz. Berlin: De Gruyter.


Caiti-Russo, Gilda, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Gilles Couffignal, Francesca Frontini, Hervé Lieutard, Elisabeth Reichele, and Maria Selig. 2019. “AcTo: How to Build a Network of Integrated Projects for Medieval Occitan.” In Proceedings of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, edited by Kirl Simov and Maria Eskevich, 134–37. Leipzig.

Khan, Anas, Hervé Bohbot, Francesca Frontini, Mohamed Khemakhem, and Laurent Romary. 2019. “Historical Dictionaries as Digital Editions and Connected Graphs: The Example of Le Petit Larousse Illustré.” In DH2019 Book of Abstracts. Utrecht, Netherlands.

Jackiewicz, Agata, Nadia Bebeshina-Clairet, Manon Cassier, Francesca Frontini, Anaıs Anaıs Lefeuvre-Halftermeyer, Longhi Julien, Giancarlo Luxardo, and Damien Nouvel. 2019. ‘Vers Une Ontologie de La Nomination et de La Référence Dédiée à l’annotation Des Textes’. In 13rd Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications (TOTh) International Conference. Chambéry, France.

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Anne-Sophie Bories, Francesca Frontini, Simone Rebora, and Jan Rybicki. 2019. ‘Response by the Special Interest Group on Digital Literary Stylistics to Nan Z. Da’s Study’. Working Paper. Journal of Cultural Analytics.

Stankovic, Ranka, Diana Santos, Francesca Frontini, Tomaž Erjavec, and Carmen Brando. 2019. ‘Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in Several European Literatures’. In DH Budapest 2019. Budapest.


Bruyère, Thierry Bonnabaud La, Nanée Chahinian, Carole Delenne, Laurent Deruelle, Mustapha Derras, Francesca Frontini, Rachel Panckhurst, Mathieu Roche, Lucile Sautot, and Maguelonne Teisseire. 2018. “Mégadonnées, données liées et fouille de données pour les réseaux d’assainissement.” In  SAGEO 2018, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France.

Soudani, Aicha, Yosra Meherzi, Asma Bouhafs, Carmen Brando, Yoann Dupont, Francesca Frontini, and Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet. 2018. “Adaptation et évaluation de systèmes de reconnaissance et de résolution des entités nommées pour le cas de textes littéraires français du 19​ ​ ème​ ​ siècle.”  In Atelier Humanités Numériques Spatialisées (HumaNS’2018).

Monachini, Monica, Anas Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini, and Anika Nicolosi. 2018. “Linked Open Data and the Enrichment of Digital Editions: The Contribution of CLARIN to the Digital Classics.” In Proceedings of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, edited by Inguna Skadina and Maria Eskevich. Pisa, Italy.

Khemakhem, Mohamed, Laurent Romary, Simon Gabay, Hervé Bohbot, Francesca Frontini, and Giancarlo Luxardo. 2018. “Automatically Encoding Encyclopedic-like Resources in TEI.” In .

Frontini, Francesca, Mohamed Amine Boukhaled, and Jean Gabriel Ganascia. 2018. “Approaching French Theatrical Characters by Syntactical Analysis: A Study with Motifs and Correspondence Analysis.” In Grammar of Genres and Styles. From Discrete to Non-Discrete Units, by Dominique Legallois, Thierry Charnois, and Meri Larjavaara, 320:118–39. Trends in Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Calamai, Silvia, and Francesca Frontini. 2018. “FAIR Data Principles and Their Application to Speech and Oral Archives.” Journal of New Music Research, May.

Khan, Anas Fahad, Andrea Bellandi, Francesca Frontini, and Monica Monachini. 2018. “One Language to Rule Them All: Modelling Morphological Patterns in a Large Scale Italian Lexicon with SWRL.” In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2018. Miyazaki.

Bohbot, Hervé, Francesca Frontini, Giancarlo Luxardo, Mohamed Khemakhem, and Laurent Romary. 2018. “Presenting the Nénufar Project: A Diachronic Digital Edition of the Petit Larousse Illustré.” In GLOBALEX 2018 - Globalex Workshop at LREC2018, 1–6. Miyazaki, Japan.

Diwersy, Sascha, Francesca Frontini, and Giancarlo Luxardo. 2018. “The Parliamentary Debates as a Resource for the Textometric Study of the French Political Discourse.” In Proceedings of the ParlaCLARIN@LREC2018 Workshop.

Bénard, Élodie, and Francesca Frontini. 2018. “Les Sganarelle de Molière : Un Nom, Des Syntaxes ?” Digital Humanities Quarterly 012 (1).

Khan, Anas Fahad, Gloria Mugelli, Federico Boschetti, Francesca Frontini, and Andrea Bellandi. 2018. “Using Formal Ontologies for the Annotation and Study of Literary Texts.” In AIUCD 2018 Book of Abstracts - Patrimoni Culturali Nell’era Digitale. Memorie, Culture Umanistiche e Tecnologia, 238–40. Bari: AIUCD.


Panckhurst, Rachel & Francesca Frontini. 2017. 📱 Emoji in a " SMS corpus 😀 💓 😉 😜 😘 😳 😍 ☺ 😔 ❤. Paper presented at the Visualizing (in) the New Media -V(i)NM 2017, Neuchatel.

Frontini, Francesca, Larisa Grčić Simeunović, Anas Fahad Khan, Artemis Parvizi & Špela Vintar (eds.). 2017. Proceedings of Language, Ontology, Terminology and  Knowledge Structures Workshop  (LOTKS 2017). ACL Anthology.

Khan, Anas Fahad, Jack Bowers & Francesca Frontini. 2017. Situating Word Senses in their Historical Context with Linked Data. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). Montpellier: ACL.

Khan, Fahad, Andrea Bellandi, Francesca Frontini, and Monica Monachini. 2017. “Using SWRL Rules to Model Noun Behaviour in Italian.” In LDK 2017: Language, Data, and Knowledge, 134–42. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59888-8_11.

Frontini, Francesca, Mohamed-Amine Boukhaled, and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia. 2017. “Mining for Characterising Patterns in Literature Using Correspondence Analysis: An Experiment on French Novels.Digital Humanities Quarterly, Papers from the Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities 2015, 11 (2).

Brando, Carmen, and Francesca Frontini. (2017). “Semantic Historical Gazetteers and Related NLP and Corpus Linguistics Applications.” (Guest editorial) Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, Semantic Historical Gazetteers: A Place for Places - Papers from the DH2016 GeoHumanities SIG Workshop, 13 (1): 1–6. doi:10.1080/15420353.2017.1307307.

Brando, Carmen, Francesca Frontini eds. (2017). “Semantic Historical Gazetteers: A Place for Places - Papers from the DH2016 GeoHumanities SIG Workshop.” Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 13 (1). doi:10.1080/15420353.2017.1307307.

Manzella, Giuseppe, Roberto Bartolini, Franco Bustaffa, Paolo D’Angelo, Maurizio De Mattei, Francesca Frontini, Maurizio Maltese, Daniele Medone, Monica Monachini, Antonio Novellino, Andrea Spada (2017). Semantic Search Engine for Data Management and Sustainable Development: Marine Planning Service Platform. In Paolo Diviacco, Adam Leadbetter & Helen Glaves (eds.), Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development, 127–154. IGI Global.


Monachini, Monica, and Francesca Frontini. 2016. “CLARIN, L’infrastruttura Europea Delle Risorse Linguistiche per Le Scienze Umane E Sociali E Il Suo Network Italiano CLARIN-IT.” IJCoL - Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 2 (2): 11–30.

Brando, Carmen, Nathalie Abadie, and Francesca Frontini. (2016). “Évaluation de La Qualité Des Sources Du Web de Données Pour La Résolution D’entités Nommées.” Ingénierie Des Systèmes D'Information, Web de données : publication, liage et capitalisation, 21 (5–6): 31–54. doi:10.3166/isi.21.5-6.31-54.

Calamai, Silvia, and Francesca Frontini. (2016). “Not Quite Your Usual Kind of Resource. and the Documentation of Oral Archives in CLARIN.” In Proceedings of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016. Aix-en-Provence, France.

Francesca Frontini, Riccardo Del Gratta & Monica Monachini (2016). GeoDomainWordNet: Linking the Geonames Ontology to WordNet. In Zygmunt Vetulani, Hans Uszkoreit & Marek Kubis (eds.), Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics: 6th Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2013, Poznań, Poland, December 7-9, 2013. Revised Selected Papers, vol. 9561, 229–242. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Carmen Brando, Francesca Frontini & Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2016). REDEN: Named Entity Linking in Digital Literary Editions Using Linked Data Sets. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 0(7). 60–80.

Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Marine Riguet, Clémence Jacquot & Vincent Jolivet (2016). Annotation of Toponyms in TEI Digital Literary Editions and Linking to the Web of Data. MATLIT: Materialidades da Literatura 4(2). 49–75.

Fahad Khan, Silvia Arrigoni, Federico Boschetti & Francesca Frontini (2016). Restructuring a Taxonomy of Literary Themes and Motifs for More Efficient Querying. MATLIT: Materialities of Literature 4(2). 11–27.

Fahad Khan, Andrea Bellandi, Giulia Benotto, Francesca Frontini, Emiliano Giovannetti & Marianne Reboul (2016). Leveraging A Narrative Ontology to Query a Literary Text. In Ben Miller, Antonio Lieto, Remi Ronfard, Stephen G. Ware & Mark A. Finlayson (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN’16) - Krakow (Poland), 124–133. (OpenAccess Series in Informatics). Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing.

Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini, Federico Boschetti & Monica Monachini (2016). Converting the Liddell Scott Greek-English Lexicon into Linked Open Data using lemon. Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, 593–596. Kraków: Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University.

Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando & Jean Gabriel Ganascia (2016). REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions. Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, 193–197. Kraków: Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University.

Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Gabriella Pardelli, Irene Russo, Roberto Bartolini, Fahad Khan, Claudia Soria & Nicoletta Calzolari (2016). LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network. In Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Ouafae Nahli, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Fahad Khan, Arsalan Zarghili & Mustapha Khalfi (2016). Al Qamus al Muhit, a Medieval Arabic Lexicon in LMF. In Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Carmen Brando, Nathalie Abadie & Francesca Frontini (2016). Linked Data Quality for Domain-Specific Named-Entity Linking. Atelier Qualité des Données du Web (QLOD’16), 13–24. Paris.

Sara Goggi, Gabriella Pardelli, Roberto Bartolini, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Giuseppe Manzella, Maurizio De Mattei and Franco Bustaffa (2016). "A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain" (Full paper). In Dominic Farace & Jerry Frantzen (eds.), GL17 Proceedings Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature : A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey literature, vol. 17, 104–111. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: TextRelease. ISBN 978-90-77484-27-2


Boukhaled, Mohamed Amine, Francesca Frontini, Gauvin Bourgne, and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia. 2015. “Computational Study of Stylistics: A Clustering-Based Interestingness Measure for Extracting Relevant Syntactic Patterns.” International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications 6 (1): 45–62.

Sara Goggi, Gabriella Pardelli, Roberto Bartolini, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Giuseppe Manzella, Maurizio De Mattei and Franco Bustaffa (2015). "A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain" (Abstract). In Dominic Farace & Jerry Frantzen (eds.), GL17 Program Book, vol. 17, 76–77. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-77484-26-5

Carmen Brando, Francesca Frontini, and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). “Linked Data for Toponym Linking in French Literary Texts”. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 3:1–3:2. GIR ’15. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/2837689.2837699.

Sara Goggi, Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Roberto Bartolini, Gabriella Pardelli, Maurizio De Mattei, Franco Bustaffa, and Giuseppe Manzella (2015). "Marine Planning and Service Platform: An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science". In: Topical and Technical Advances in Grey Literature’. TGJ Volume 11, Number 3, Autumn 2015.

Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini, Gabriella Pardelli, Irene Russo, Roberto Bartolini, Sara Goggi, Fahad Khan, Valeria Quochi, Claudia Soria, Nicoletta Calzolari (2015). "Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot". In: Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015. Accademia University Press. (100-103).

Boschetti, Federico, Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, and Monica Monachini. 2015. “(Re)thinking the BLARK for Ancient Greek.” In Proceedings of the Seventh Language and Technology Conference, 333–37.

Carmen Brando, Francesca Frontini, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015).  "Disambiguation of Named Entities in Cultural Heritage Texts Using Linked Data Sets". In Morzy, Tadeusz, Valduriez, Patrick, Bellatreche, Ladjel (Eds.): New Trends in Databases and Information Systems ADBIS 2015 Short Papers and Workshops, BigDap, DCSA, GID, MEBIS, OAIS, SW4CH, WISARD, Poitiers, France, September 8-11, 2015. Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. (505-514).

Mohamed-Amine Boukhaled, Francesca Frontini, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). "A Peculiarity-based Exploration of Syntactical Patterns: a Computational Study of Stylistics". In P. Cellier, T. Charnois, A. Hotho, S. Matwin, M.-F. Moens, Y. Toussaint (Eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural Language Processing 2015 co-located with European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015), Porto, Portugal, 2015.

Francesca Frontini, Mohamed Amine Boukhaled, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). "Molière's Raisonneurs: a quantitative study of distinctive linguistic patterns". Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster, UK.

Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). “Domain-adapted named-entity linker using Linked Data”. Proceedings of the Workshop NLP Applications: Completing the Puzzle (WNACP) (at NLDB 2015), Passau, Germany.

Mohamed-Amine Boukhaled, Francesca Frontini, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). "Une mesure d’intérêt à base de surreprésentation pour l’extraction des motifs syntaxiques stylistiques". In Actes de La 22e Conférence Sur Le Traitement Automatique Des Langues Naturelles, 391–96. Caen, France: Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues.

Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015). “Semantic Web based Named Entity Linking for digital humanities and heritage texts”. Proceedings of the Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH) Workshop (at ESWC 2015), Portoroz, Slovenia.

Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini (2015). "Converting the Parole Simple Clips Lexicon into RDF using the lemon model". Semantic Web Journal, Volume 6, Number 4. (387-392).

Fahad Khan, and Francesca Frontini (2015) "Using Ontologies to Model Polysemy in Lexical Resources". Proceedings of IWCS 2015, London, UK.

Francesca Frontini, Mohamed Amine Boukhaled, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2015) "Linguistic Pattern Extraction and Analysis for Classic French Plays". Journées ConSciLa, 16 Janvier 2015, Paris.

Francesca Frontini, Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini (2015). "Generative Lexicon and polysemy: inducing logical alternations". Proceedings of Maplex 2015, Tendo, Japan.

Sara Goggi, Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Roberto Bartolini, Gabriella Pardelli, Maurizio De Mattei, Franco Bustaffa, Giuseppe Manzella  (2015). "Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science". In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature. Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, December 8-9, 2014


Fahad Khan, and Francesca Frontini (2014) "Publishing PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS as Linguistic Linked Open Data". Proceedings of CLIC-IT 2014, Pisa, Italy.

Francesca Frontini, Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini (2014) "Polysemy alternations extraction using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Italian lexicon". Proceedings of CLIC-IT 2014, Pisa, Italy.

Francesca Frontini, Valeria Quochi, Sebastian Padó, Jason Utt, Monica Monachini (2014) "Polysemy index for nouns: an experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS CORPUS". Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Gabriele Pallotti, Francesca Frontini, Fabio Affè, Monica Monachini, Stefania Ferrari (2014) "Presenting a system of human-machine interaction for performing map tasks". Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Isa Maks, Ruben Izquierdo, Francesca Frontini, Rodrigo Agerri, Piek Vossen and Andoni Azpeitia (2014). "Generating Polarity Lexicons with WordNet Propagation in 5 Languages". Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Massimo Moneglia, Susan Brown, Francesca Frontini, Gloria Gagliardi, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini, Alessandro Panunzi (2014). "The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. An Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action". Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Anas Fahad Khan, Joseph Mariani, Claudia Soria (2014). "The LREMap for Under-Resourced Languages". Proceedings of CCURL 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland. 

Fahad Khan, Federico Boschetti and Francesca Frontini (2014).  "Using lemon to Model Lexical Semantic  Shift in Diachronic Lexical Resources". Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2014), Reykjavík, Iceland.


Francesca Frontini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Monica Monachini, (2013) "Linking the Geonames ontology to WordNet". Proceedings of LTC2013, Poznan, Poland.

Andrea Marchetti, Maurizio Tesconi, Stefano Abbate, Angelica Lo Duca, Andrea D'Errico, Francesca Frontini and Monica Monachini (2013) "Tour-pedia: a web application for the analysis and visualization of opinions for tourism domain". Proceedings of LTC2013, Poznan, Poland. 

Massimo Moneglia, Alessandro Panunzi, Gloria Gagliardi, Monica Monachini, Irene Russo, Irene De Felice, Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini (2013). “IMAGACT E-learning Platform for Basic Action Types”, Proceedings of the Conference ICT for Language Learning, Firenze, Italy.

Irene Russo, Irene De Felice, Francesca Frontini, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini (2013) "(Fore)seeing actions in objects. Acquiring distinctive affordances from language". Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science  (NLPCS2013), Marseille, France.    

Irene Russo, Francesca Frontini, Irene De Felice, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini (2013) "Disambiguation of Basic Action Types through Nouns’ Telic Qualia". Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GL2013), Pisa, Italy.

Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Monica Monachini, Valeria Quochi (2013) "Generative Lexicon Theory and Linguistic Linked Open Data". Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GL2013), Pisa, Italy.

Roberto Bartolini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini (2013), “Towards the establishment of a linguistic linked data network for Italian”. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2013) .


Valeria Quochi, Francesca Frontini, Francesco Rubino (2012). "A MWE Acquisition and Lexicon Builder Web Service". In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012), December 10-14 2012, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.

Francesca Frontini, Francesco Rubino, Valeria Quochi (2012). "Automatic Creation of quality multi-word Lexica from noisy text data". In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (AND2012). December 9, 2012, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (Co-located with COLING2012).

Francesca Frontini, Irene De Felice, Irene Russo, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini, Gloria Gagliardi, Alessandro Panunzi (2012) "Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes". Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III). December 15, 2012, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (Co-located with COLING2012), pp. 69 - 80.

Laura Rimell, Nuria Bel, Muntsa Padrò, Francesca Frontini , Monica Monachini, Valeria Quochi, Riccardo Del Gratta (2012). "Monolingual lexica for English, Spanish and Italian tuned for a particular domain (LAB and ENV)". Panacea Project Technical report, 2012.

Massimo Moneglia, Francesca Frontini, Gloria Gagliardi, Irene Russo, Alessandro Panunzi, Monica Monachini (2012). "IMAGACT: Deriving an Action Ontology from Spoken Corpora." Proceedings of the Eight Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. Pisa (Italy), October 2012.

Francesca Frontini, Carlo Aliprandi, Clara Bacciu, Roberto Bartolini, Andrea Marchetti, Enrico Parenti, Fulvio Piccinonno, Tiziana Soru (2012). "GLOSS, an Infrastructure for the Semantic Annotation and Mining of Documents in the Public Security Domain". In Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring and Exploiting Official Publications (EEOP2012), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.

Maria Gavrilidou, Penny Labropoulou, Elina Desipri, Stelios Piperidis, Harris Papageorgios, Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Thierry Declerck, Gil Francopoulo, Victoria Arranz, Valerie Mapelli (2012). "The META-SHARE Metadata Schema for the Description of Language Resources". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Francesco Rubino, Francesca Frontini, Valeria Quochi (2012). "Integrating NLP Tools in a Distributed Environment: A Case Study Chaining a Tagger with a Dependency Parser". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Massimo Moneglia, Monica Monachini, Omar Calabrese, Alessandro Panunzi, Francesca Frontini, Gloria Gagliardi, Irene Russo (2012). "The IMAGACT Cross-linguistic Ontology of Action. A new infrastructure for natural language disambiguation". In  Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Francesco Rubino, Irene Russo, Nicoletta Calzolari (2012). "The Language Library: supporting community effort for collective resource production". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Tommaso Caselli, Francesco Rubino, Francesca Frontini, Irene Russo, Valeria Quochi (2012). "Flexible Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames in Italian". In  Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Massimo Moneglia, Alessandro Panunzi, Gloria Gagliardi, Monica Monachini, Irene Russo, Francesca Frontini (2012). "Mapping a corpus-induced ontology of action verbs on ItalWordNet". In Proceedings of the 6th Global Wordnet Conference (Matsue, January, 9-13, 2012)


Nicoletta Calzolari, Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Irene Russo (2011), "The Language Library: Many Layers, More Knowledge".In Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 12, 2011, pp. 93–97.

Maria Gavrilidou, Penny Labropoulou, Stelios Piperidis, Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Gil Francopoulo, Victoria Arranz, Valerie Mapelli (2011), "A Metadata Schama for the Description ofLanguage Resources (LRs). Proceedings of Workshop on LanguageResources". Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 12, 2011, pp. 84–92.

Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Claudia Soria (2011) "KYOTO-LMF WordNet Representation Format". KYOTO working paper, WP02_TR002_V5_Kyoto_LMF. Technical report WP02_TR002_V5_Kyoto_LMF.

Stefano Rastelli, Francesca Frontini (2011) "The Training Of One’s Sight: The Pos-Tagging of Italian Learner Corpora for Second Language Acquisition Research", R.I.L.A. - RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA, special issue on CLAVIER 09 – Corpus Linguistics and Language Variation,  edited by M. Bondi, S. Cacchiani, G. Palumbo, Anno XLIII nn. 1-2 Gennaio-Agosto 2011 .


Prokopis Prokopidis, Vassilis Papavassiliou, Pavel Pecina, Laura Rimell, Thierry Poibeau, Roberto Bartolini, Tommaso Caselli, Francesca Frontini, Vera Aleksic, Gregor Thurmair, Marc Poch Riera, Nuria Bèl, Olivier Hamon (2010) "D4.1. Technologies and tools for corpus creation, normalization and annotation". TR-PANACEA-FP7.248064-D4.1. Technical report.

Elisabetta Jezek, Francesca Frontini (2010) “From Pattern Dictionary to Patternbank”, in G.-M. de Schryver (ed.), A Way with Words: Recent Advances in Lexical Theory and Analysis. Kampala: Menha Publishers, pp. 215 - 237.

Francesca Frontini “Annotation and Analysis of Lexical Categories in L2 Italian”, PhD Dissertation. Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università degli Studi di Pavia, defended on 22nd April 2010. [Zenodo].


Francesca Frontini, Francesca Mazzariello (2009), "The interlanguage of Persian learners of Italian: a focus on complex predicates", Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, Fall-Winter 2009, 1(2):55-70.

Sadegh Astaneh, Francesca Frontini (2009) "L’adattamento di un parser di italiano L1: problemi e prospettive", in C. Andorno and S. Rastelli (eds.), Corpora di italiano L2: tecnologie, metodi, spunti teorici, Guerra, Perugia, pp. 199 - 216.


Stefano Rastelli, Francesca Frontini (2008) “FLT meets SLA research. The form/function split in the annotation of learner corpora”, in Proceedings of TALC 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2008, pp. 199 - 216.

Francesca Frontini, Gerard Lynch, Carl Vogel (2008) “Revisiting the Donation of Constantine”, in Rodger Kibble and Sarah Rauchas (eds.) Style in Text: Creative Generation and Identification of Authorship. AISB 2008 Proceedings, Volume 7, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2008, pp. 1 - 9.