
Submissions of software demonstrations

To submit a software demonstration, email it in the form of an extended abstract (up to 12 pages) to by March 15.

Submissions of final versions of accepted abstracts

The opportunity to submit extended abstracts for consideration for FPSAC 2014 is closed. This page is intended for those whose submitted extended abstracts have been accepted as talks or posters.

Before submitting a new version of your accepted extended abstract, please follow the guidelines given below. There are requirements for your final submission that are in addition to the requirements for your original submission. These additional requirements are given first. When your revised version is ready, please submit it through the START Conference Manager (the possibility of uploading your submission may not be available yet on the server. If this is the case, please wait for a few days). The deadline for revised submissions is April 1.

The accepted extended abstracts will be published in a proceedings volume of DMTCS (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science). The authors will retain the right to publish a full version of their work in another journal. Authors who do intend to publish a full version elsewhere should, however, make sure that their conference contribution is clearly an extended abstract of this full version.

Instructions for authors specific to final version

Note for authors of posters: The maximum size of a poster is 4' (121cm) in each direction.

Guidelines for initial submissions

Accepted extended abstracts will be published in a proceedings volume of DMTCS (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science). Authors will retain the right to publish a full version of their work in another journal, provided that the conference contribution is clearly an extended abstract of the full version.

Authors who do intend to publish a full version elsewhere should, however, make sure that their conference contribution is clearly an extended abstract of this full version.

For each submission, the corresponding author will present the paper if it is accepted as a talk or a poster. (A change of presenter will only be possible after advance consultation with the Program Committee.)

Each person may be the presenter (i.e., correspondent author) for at most one submission.

Formatting requirements and submission procedures

In order to prepare your submission, please take the following steps to format your document according to the specifications of DMTCS. Please prepare your document using standard LaTeX. If you have any user macros, please include them in your submission. We thank you very much for your cooperation.

Please contact Carly Klivans ( with any questions.