Poster Session B

Poster Session B

Wednesday, July 2, 4:45-6:30pm in the McGowan South Atrium

A product formula for the TASEP on a ring

    Erik Aas and Jonas Sjöstrand

Honeycombs from Hermitian Matrix Pairs, with Interpretations of Path Operators and SLn Crystals

    Glenn Appleby

The arithmetic Tutte polynomials of the classical root systems

    Federico Ardila, Federico Castillo, and Mike Henley

Bijections on m-level Rook Placements

    Kenneth Barrese and Bruce E. Sagan

Some combinatorics of rhomboid-shaped fully packed loop configurations

    Sabine Beil

A factorization formula in Z[[x]]

    Daniel Birmajer, Juan Gil, and Michael Weiner

Two bijections on Tamari Intervals

    Frederic Chapoton, Gregory Chatel, and Viviane Pons

Lorentzian Coxeter Groups and Boyd-Maxwell Ball Packings

    Hao Chen and Jean-Philippe Labbe

On Bruhat posets associated to compositions

    Mahir Bilen Can and Yonah Cherniavsky

How to count genus one partitions?

    Robert Cori and Gabor Hetyei

Centralizers of the infinite symmetric group

    Zajj Daugherty and Peter Herbrich

Monk's Rule and Giambelli's Formula of Peterson Varieties of all Lie types

    Elizabeth Drellich

Number of cycles in the graph of 312-avoiding permutations

    Richard Ehrenborg, Sergey Kitaev, and Einar Steingrímsson

Bijective Proofs of Partition Identities of MacMahon, Andrews, and Subbarao

    Shishuo Fu and James Sellers

A generalization to the carries process

    Takahiko Fujita, Fumihiko Nakano, and Taizo Sadahiro

Many neighborly inscribed polytopes and Delaunay triangulations

    Bernd Gonska and Arnau Padrol

The order of birational rowmotion

    Darij Grinberg and Tom Roby

Generalized Dyck tilings

    Matthieu Josuat-Verges and Jang soo Kim

The m-Cover Posets and the Strip-Decomposition of m-Dyck Paths

    Myrto Kallipoliti and Henri Muhle

The Selberg integral and Young books

    Jangsoo Kim and Suho Oh

Finiteness Conditions for Graph Algebras over Tropical Semirings

    Nadia Labai and Johann Makowsky

Combinatorial Realization of the Hopf Algebra of Sashes

    Shirley Law

Gallery Posets of Supersolvable Arrangements

    Thomas McConville

The topology of the permutation pattern poset

    Peter R. W. McNamara and Einar Steingrímsson

Electrical networks, electrical Lie algebras and Lie groups of finite Dynkin type

    Yi Su

Symmetry properties of the Novelli-Pak-Stoyanovskii algorithm

    Robin Sulzgruber

Chromatic Polynomials and Rings in Species

    Jacob White

Bijactions in Cataland

    Nathan Williams