Poster Session A

Poster Session A

Sunday, June 29, 4:45-6:30pm in the McGowan South Atrium

Permutations sortable by two stacks in parallel and quarter plane walks

    Michael Albert and Mireille Bousquet-Melou

Supercharacters of unipotent groups defined by involutions

    Scott Andrews

Descents of λ-unimodal cyclic permutations

    Kassie Archer

Super quasi-symmetric functions via Young diagrams

    Jean-Christophe Aval, Valentin Feray, Jean-Christophe Novelli, and Jean-Yves Thibon

An equivariant rim hook rule for quantum cohomology of Grassmannians

    Elizabeth Beazley, Anna Bertiger, and Kaisa Taipale

A bijection between irreducible k-shapes and surjective pistols

    Ange Bigeni

Stabilized-Interval-Free Permutations and Chord-Connected Permutations

    Natasha Blitvic

The purity of set-systems related to Grassmann necklaces

    Vladimir Danilov, Alexander Karzanov, and Gleb Koshevoy

A new generation tree for permutations, preserving the number of fixed points

    Philippe Duchon and Romaric Duvignau

Bott-Samelson Varieties, Subword Complexes and Brick Polytopes

    Laura Escobar

l-restricted Q-systems and quantum affine algebras

    Anne-Sophie Gleitz

Factorization of the Characteristic Polynomial of a Lattice using Quotient Posets

    Joshua Hallam and Bruce Sagan

Deformations of Weyl's Denominator Formula: Six Conjectures and One Result

    Angele Hamel and Ronald King

Selberg integrals and Catalan-Pffafian Hankel determinants

    Masao Ishikawa and Jiang Zeng

Newton Polytopes of Cluster Variables of Type An

    Adam Kalman

Combinatorics of diagrams of permutations

    Joel Lewis and Alejandro Morales

Sweep maps for lattice paths

    Nicholas Loehr and Greg Warrington

A Murgnahan-Nakayama rule for Schubert polynomials

    Andrew Morrison

Estimating deep Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients

    Hariharan Narayanan

Quasisymmetric (k,l)-hook Schur functions

    Sarah Mason and Elizabeth Niese

On The Rearrangement Conjecture for Generalized Factor Order Over ℙ

    Jay Pantone and Vincent Vatter

Signed tree associahedra

    Vincent Pilaud

Firing Patterns in the Parallel Chip-firing Game

    Ziv Scully, Tian-Yi Jiang, and Yan Zhang

On the H-triangle of generalised nonnesting partitions

    Marko Thiel

Hopf algebra of permutation pattern functions

    Yannic Vargas

On the partial categorification of some Hopf algebras using the representation theory of towers of J-trivial monoids and semilattice

    Aladin Virmaux