FOZTUA International Conference

2012 papers

1. Marta Felis-Rota (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

A Railways Perspective on the First Globalization 


2. Ian Kerr (University of Manitoba, Canada) and Hugo Pereira (University of Porto)

Late 19th century exploitations: compairing Murmugão (India) and Tua railways. 

Abstract Paper Slides

3. Dominic Fontana (University of Portsmouth, UK)

A new age of steam? The Tua Valley, Portugal. Experience and examples from the technological heritage operations and preserved railways in Britain.

Abstract Slides

4. Bob Schwartz (Mount Holyoke College, USA)

Making the steeper grade: upland railways in Wales, 1840 to 1914

Abstract Paper Maps Tables Slides

5. Stefano Maggi (University of Siena, Italy)

“Secondary” railways in peripheral and mountainous regions: Italian case 

Abstract Paper Slides

6. Guenter Dinholb (ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Austria)

Railways in peripheral and mountainous regions – built in XIX century and reactivated in XXI century

Abstract  Slides

7. Michel Cotte (University of Nantes, France)

“Mastrou-CFV project” in French Massif Central: technical restoration and problems of renewal.

Abstract Slides

8. Conceição Salgado (U. Lusíada, Porto) and Eduardo Beira (University of Minho, Portugal)

Emigration from Tras os Montes: insights from passports data (1850-1910) 

Abstract Paper Slides Data

9. Otilia Lages (CITCEM, University of Porto):

Jorge de Sena: the engineer and his works in Tua Valley (XXth century)

Abstract Paper 

10. Luis Santos (Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea, ISCTE-IUL)

Marquês da Foz: a name in the fog. The multiple games of a capitalist during railways euphoria - from Tua Line and Companhia Nacional to Real Companhia and the main national network

Abstract Paper Slides

11. Luís Espinha da Silveira, Nuno Miguel Lima e Ana Alcântara (U. Nova de Lisboa)

The Tua line traffic and its integration in northern Portugal’s railroad network (1891- 1925)

Abstract Slides

12. Albano Viseu (CITCEM) 

Clemente Meneres, Casa Meneres and Tua railways 

Abstract Paper Slides

13. Antonio Vieira, Marta Correia and Eurico Loureiro(Dep. Geography, University of Minho)

GIS for Tua Valley 

Abstract Slides

14. Fatima Santos and JM Cordeiro (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho)

One day, São Lourenço would be Tua Valley Riviera ...

Abstract Slides

15. Fernanda Rollo (Dep. History, New University of Lisbon)

New railways in Portugal and the economic environment (1850-1914) 

16.  Carlos Barbosa, João Figueiredo, Jorge Marques, Lídia Teixeira, Miguel Oliveira, Eduardo Beira and António Araújo (MIT Portugal Program) 

Redesigning the classical railrider: a transportable prototype for modern ages 

Abstract Slides Video (YouTube)

17.  Lurdes Martins, Graça Vasconcelos, Paulo B. Lourenço and Eduardo Beira  (School of Engineering, University of Minho)

The engineering design of Tua rail track: evidence from the archives 

Abstract Slides

18. Bruno Gonçalves and Paulo B. Lourenço (MIT Portugal Program and University of Minho)

Life cycle analysis of infrastructures: application to Tua rail track

Abstract Slides

19. J. S. Esteves, L. F. Ramos , J. M. Nóbrega, A. P. Souto (School of Engineering, University of Minho) 

Gaining Insight into Tua Railway Line through Interactive Experiments 

Abstract Slides

20. Teresa Novais, Jorge Novais (aNC Atelier; Universidade Lusiada, Portugal)

Designing NMFT: an essay on memory and contemporaneity through architectural design

Abstract Slides

21. Lucia Brito and Ellan Spero (MIT, USA)

Designing NMFT: exhibition space and interfaces, concepts and challenges

Abstract Slides

22. Nuno Brito Jorge (EDP Production)

Foz Tua new hydroelectric project: design and sustainability concerns

Slides (Souto Moura's new design for the central)

23. Bruno Navarro (Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon)

Railways from Luanda to Ambaca (Angola): a pioneering case of technology transfer

Abstract Slides

24. Anne McCants (MIT, USA)

Social mobility and railways in Tua Valley: evidence from oral history 

Abstract Slides

25. Eduardo Beira and Paulo B. Lourenço (School of Engineering, University of Minho)

Building the unknown: litigation with Tua and Douro railways contractors


26. Domingo Cuellar (Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid, Spain)

British Interest in the Spanish Railways Business (1828-1950)

Abstract  Slides

27. J. P. Fonte (Portugal)

Travelling in Tua railways, from Bragança to Foz Tua: a personal narrative in cartoon format

Abstract Cartoon (PT) Cartoon (EN)

28. Stefan Brauckmann (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Draisine Tourism in Germany - ideas for the Tua line?

Abstract Slides

29. Richard Healey (University of Portmouth, UK)

Early mountain railroads in the lower Pennsylvania Anthracite Coalfields during the 19th century.

Abstract Slides

30. Manuel Heitor (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)  

Closing remarks of 2012 meeting

Video (YouTube)

31. Anne McCants (MIT)

Closing remarks of 2012 meeting

Video (YouTube)