
Railways heritage: between using, reusing and preserving. A case in Austria

Guenter Dinhobl (OBB,Austria)

slides (pdf)



The paper introduces in the session on ‚Railway Heritage‘ and gives an overview of the most discussed and most important thematic areas – and (open) questions. A first statement on ‚what is a railway heritage and when‘ lead to the guiding question of the session.

Railways were (and are) built for daily use since more than 170 years. They have supported the industrial revolution like no other transportation technology. In this time period rolling stock, buildings and railway routes were built and used, but also maintained and renewed. If this framework changes, railways are in danger to be closed, dismantled or destroyed. This situation is why we can look at railway heritage today.

The paper gives an overview of the concept of ‘using, reusing and preserving’ which was first presented at ICOHTEC-TICCIH-conference in summer of 2010 in Tampere/Finland. It was discussed there and in spring 2011 presented as an extended version at VDI in Berlin/Germany. The backbone of the concept of ‘using, reusing and preserving’ is to identify the different actors and their different interests in railway heritage. This lead towards a ‘railway heritage matrix’ as a tool to identify, to clarify – and to develop how to handle railway heritage.

This theoretical approach of the paper is illustrated with examples of UNESCO World Heritage Railways, Museum railways and museums which show us the rich railway heritage, but also with examples of protected railway heritage and everyday rail operation. Special focus will be given on the World Heritage site ‘Semmering Railway’ in Austria, a prototype railway of the 1850s which is still in use as main line with heavy traffic.