

Tua: the “interior of the interior” in a peripheral region. What dynamics and prospects?
The FOZTUA project vision.

Eduardo Beira
(School of Engineering, University of Minho; EDAM Professor, MIT Portugal Program)

PAPER (text pdf; figures pdf)


Tua Valley was very, very different when a decision to build Tua railways has been made (begin of 1880’s). We review the basic demographic trends in the Valley from mid 19th century until now, as well as the main changes in mobility within the valley and to/from outside the valley.  Tua Valley changed (and improved) a lot, but it still continue to be one of the more backwards portuguese regions, “the interior of the interior” in a peripheral area (Alto Tras os Montes and  Douro).

Foz Tua village itself also changed during last two centuries. Railways may have not improved its local and regional importance, really may have degraded it. It may have resisted some of the impact of the changes from fluvial mobility of people and goods to a railways junction (Douro and Tua lines), but now the new conditions challenge the old options.

Tua line was built soon (and fast), in the overall Portuguese railways development cycle, surprisingly sooner than other more important lines. It was the first line to “nowhere”, to the “very far interior beyond the mountains”, a surprising political option to reach a peripheral and remote area of the country. Why?

We offer a first preliminary picture of the first years of operation of Tua line and its role in the development of Tua Valley, and at the end will suggest different conclusions for Mirandela city and for all the remaining Tua Valley.

More than one hundred years later, a new dam makes a mandatory claim to (re)think about the future of the Foz Tua and the Tua Valley, and how to use the opportunity. For the first time in history Carrazeda county may have an opportunity to capitalize around Tua line – even if partially flooded.

We will present the FOZTUA  vision project for Foz Tua: “Foz Tua as a gateway to Tua Valley”, a system of local anchors to attract families, schools and young (radical) people to the very unique natural environment offered by Tua Valey around Foz Tua and Douro and Tua rail lines.

Short CV

ebeira@dsi.uminho.pt: www.dsi.uminho.pt/ebeira