Matching Funds Program
Corporate Matching Program
Have you turned in your matching request? It’s not too late…..
If you made a donation at registration or the beginning of the year, your donation might be matched by your employer. Corporate matching gifts are FREE MONEY for our school, so the minute or two it takes for you to fill out your company's form really makes a difference.
Last year the Corporate Matching fund raised almost $8,700 in matching funds for Foothill.
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Please contact your employer to fill out the necessary forms to have your donation matched. Most employers now have corporate match forms online, so no paperwork is needed. If your donation is eligible for matching, request the match from your employer and we will do the rest. The impact for your gift to the Foothill PFA may be doubled!!
If you are unsure about your company's policy, search for “matching gifts” on your company intranet, or contact your HR department. The information generally needed to request a matching donation is:
Our name—Foothill Parent-Faculty Association
Our address—2775 Cedro Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Our tax ID number— 68-0015686
The date and amount of your gift (which you have on your Ed Fund Donation receipt or emailed receipt)
Thank you to the following companies for their past support for the Foothill Ed. Fund!
Aetna, Adobe, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Kaiser, Black Rock, Clorox, McKesson, PG&E, Amex, Bank of the West, Bank of America, Charles Schwab, GAP, Macy’s, Verizon, Visa, Google and Salesforce
If your employer is not listed above, they may still MATCH your donation.
It’s that easy! The Matching Funds Program runs all year long!