The Walk-Thru Went So Well, We're Doing It Again Next Year!

Post date: Aug 8, 2019 5:37:15 AM

From the feedback received about the Walk-Thru this year, parents said this was one of the best organized Walk-Thru events they have ever experienced! The stations were streamlined to move parents through swiftly on a mostly shaded path! The biggest change this year was moving several of the payment processes online. These tasks can now be performed at your own convenience. Such as donating to the PFA with the easy Paypal or Visa links. Plus Foothill has also introduced the new Online Store for tasks such as purchasing PE uniforms, and donating to specific class funds.

Most importantly the parent volunteers this year were all on top of their game! Not a single station didn't demonstrate efficiency in keeping the flow moving. A huge Thank You to the Administration, Office Staff, and Volunteers! You all did great!