8th Grade Activities


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Hello Parents! You've reached the 8th Grade Promotion Activities Page!

Normally you would watch this page for activities dedicated to our graduating 8th graders as we approach the end of the year! This year things are a bit different due to a virus that we all know about! But thanks to the creative and caring members of the PFA, there will be a parade event going past the school in honor of our graduating class on June 2, 2020! Teachers and School Staff Members will be present to proudly send our 8th graders onward!

For the last weeks of the school year, these events for the 8th graders are very important to them. Each day is remembered as time spent with their closest friends at Foothill Middle school. (You know, before they go to that really big school up the street!) Volunteers are needed for the various 8th Grade Promotion Activities which we have planned for them. There are several opportunities and ways for you to help out. Many hands helping, makes the work seem light, so please consider lending your time and talents.

Thanks for making this a great last few weeks for the 8th grade class!

Next year, look for detailed information on 8th grade events. Some flyers will also be sent home with your 8th grader throughout the year. Any permission slips or money needed for any events will be explained prior to.

Northgate Information Meeting and Open House for incoming 9th graders:

This Took place on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 5:30pm =this Meeting was with Students and Parents in the gym. Click Here for more info.

The 8th Grade Party at The Ranch at Little Hillswas cancelled due to Covid-19.

We tried to keep this a possibility all the way to the end!

Activity Day was also cancelled due to Covid-19 -

Unfortunately even the Promotion Ceremony was also cancelled this year!

The PFA did arrange a parade of cars past the school where all staff and Teachers were present to congratulate our 8th graders. Thanks to all who put that together!