Ev2010 Nov JALT FLP SIG Forum

The FLP SIG Forum and AGM will be held at JALT 2010 (http://jalt.org/conference), Saturday November 20th evening from 5:15 PM in room 1208.

1. A discussion regarding issues arising from the Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond publication

2. Noriko Nagai will then present about the idea of FLP SIG members and other interested parties making a grant in aid/Kaken project proposal

3. The forum will be directly followed by the SIG Annual General Meeting (7:00 PM - 8:00 PM) which we will use to make both long term and short term plans.

4. The SIG have reserved a nearby restaurant from 20:30 to 22:30 for an informal launch of the publication and dinner.

1. The main event of the FLP SIG forum will be based on the theme of “facilitating coordination in language education programmes”.

The brief opening presentations will run along this schedule:

-Overview of the CEFR/ELP (if needed- depending on who is in attendance).

-Initial outline of some of the important issues when considering “facilitating coordination in language education programmes”. This will be based on the outcomes of the Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond publication. (Fergus O’Dwyer, Osaka University)

-Brief presentations from those who have/will attempted to bring coordination to language programmes:

Tony Smith (Kansai University): Basic ideas on how to make a coherent program based on the CEFR.

Alexander Imig: Multilingual-language coordination at the Chukyo-University Nagoya

Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University): What we need to do to make a coherent program and then how to implement it.

Comments will be welcome from others in attendance who would like to briefly speak about their experience

The remaining time will be dedicated to a structured discussion. This will take the form of breaking into small groups to discuss individual plans and contexts with the theme of “facilitating coordination in language education programs”. Groups will be encouraged to offer comments, personal experiences and offer solutions in a roundtable discussion that will follow. It is hoped future plans, both for the individual and the SIG, can materialize through this process.

In order to facilitate engaging discussions participants are asked to think about the following questions before attending the forum:

In my situation, what is the ideal type of coordination in the language education programme(s) I am responsible for?

What is the current situation?

What is possible in the medium-term?

What steps can be taken to achieve these goals?

How can my plans link up with the proposed project in 2?

2. Grants-in-Aid or kaken (see http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-grants/grants.html) are awarded to promote creative and pioneering research across a wide spectrum of scientific fields, ranging from the humanities and social sciences to the natural sciences. Noriko Nagai has proposed this following outline, which she will discuss in more detail at the forum. Please note that this project proposal is very much in the pre-planning stage and many details have to be negotiated and organized. We hope that many individuals can contribute further ideas which could be included in the project:

The development of a coherent language teaching system: integration of learning outcomes, teaching materials and assessment methods

Noriko Nagai, Ibaraki University

One of the greatest merits of the CEFR is to integrate several language teaching related endeavors that have been independently carried out into one grand project. The development of a language curriculum/course, textbooks and teaching materials, and assessment methods usually take place independently. However, if we agree that language learning aims at reaching specific goals expressed by concrete can do learning outcomes, then we should be able to combine these endeavors into one grand project. The project makes learning outcomes, textbook development, and assessment tightly synthesized and systemized, ensuring efficient and effective learning.

I would like to propose a project that integrates the development of learning outcomes, textbook and teaching materials, and assessment method into one. I would like to unite efforts to improve English program of all interested individuals into one stream through the project.

Learning outcomes of an English course is essential for effective teaching as well as teacher- and self-assessment. However, it is not easy to produce concrete and detailed learning outcomes of an English language course since a producer must seriously consider various aspects and issues involved in language learning. He/she must make specific decisions on contexts of language use, tasks and communicative language activities, and communicative language competences.

To help language teachers develop their own learning outcomes, I would like to propose Learning Outcomes Production Model (LOPM). The model produces learning outcomes of an English course by fixing six parameters proposed by the COE (2001). The resultant learning outcomes are specific to each individual course. Learning outcomes tailored into specific courses should be collected as a data base and then two subsequent projects may be the development of teaching materials and assessment methods based on those concrete learning outcomes.

This project is very much in the pre-planning stage and many details have to be negotiated and organized. Possible elements of the Development of teaching materials component could include developing a database of ideas and lesson plans divided by level and skill could be developed and made available. This could lead to the developments of textbooks closely related to the underlying principles and practices encouraged by the CEFR and the ELP. The Development of assessment methods component could include improving and suitably contextualizing the FLP SIG Language Portfolio for Japanese University based on research such as the CEFRjapan project. This project and other future plans can be discussed in details in the AGM that follows.

3. The AGM of the FLP SIG will focus on gaining a firmer understanding and consensus on the future direction of the SIG. Initial considerations include financial and organizational issues alongside electing officers.

The results of recent projects will be discussed

Possible future projects (see 2 above) and workshops (some SIG members have suggested holding a seminar like event regarding assessment or other related topics) will be outlined.

Other possible events for 2011 include

-initiating some programmes linking with European institutions

-The new forming Task-based learning (TBL) SIG are planning to work with Osaka JALT and the Framework and Language Portfolio SIG to hold a one-day mini-conference focusing on “TBL in Japan” in Osaka in April 2011

- Pan Sig 2011, to be held at Shinshu University, Matsumoto in Nagano prefecture, May 21st and 22nd

- Nakasendo: We have participated this Tokyo conference the last two years. In 2011 it will be on June 19th

-Yokohama JALT are interested in having a FLP SIG presentation, possibly in June or July

Regarding officers we are proposing to have one or two changes from November. Our current treasurer, Barry Mateer, has indicated he won’t be continuing in this role from November 2010. First of all we would like to thank Barry very much for being instrumental part in setting up and guiding the SIG to the growth we are experiencing together. Secondly Gabriela Scmidht, current Membership officer, has indicated she is willing to replace Barry as treasurer. Yuki Imoto will replace Gabriela as membership officer. Naoyuki Naganuma (current program chair) and Alexander Imig (current publications officer) will swop positions.

Current SIG officers are:

• SIG Coordinator: O’Dwyer, Fergus

• Membership Chair: Schmidt, Maria Gabriela

• Program Chair: Naganuma, Naoyuki

• Publications Chair: Imig, Alexander

• Treasurer: Mateer, Barry

• Website editor: Keith, Barry

• Officer at large: Imoto, Yuki

New proposed officers:

SIG Coordinator: O’Dwyer, Fergus

• Membership Chair: Imoto, Yuki

• Program Chair: Imig, Alexander

• Publications Chair: Naganuma, Naoyuki

• Treasurer: Schmidt, Maria Gabriela

• Website editor: Keith, Barry

If you have any objections, comments etc. or would like to volunteer as an Officer at large please let us know.

C. The SIG have reserved a nearby restaurant (Watami) from 20:30 to 22:30 for an informal book launch and dinner. Cost is 3,500yen including dinner and drinks. Numbers are limited to 20 people, please reserve your place by emailing Alexander Imig at imigalexander [@] hotmail.com Please use “FLP SIG JALT 2010 party” with your name in the subject line