Kitchen Table

In 2005 I moved into a new apartment with some friends, and were short of a kitchen table. Rather than purchase one, I thought it would be fun to make one myself, and build it to last so I could use it for life. 18 years later it's still going strong: so far so good! The dimensions are 61" x 35" x  31" tall.

The material used was Home Depot poplar wood. I chose this purely because of the interesting green and tan color mix, but it also turns out to be a relatively hard wood, so it makes for reasonably durable furniture. Unfortunately the greens always turn brown over time, especially under a coat of varnish, but in my opinion it still looks much nicer than oak.

Since this was built before the era of smart phones and social media, I did not take any pictures of the build, but there's also not much to it so I took pictures of the features of interest.

The basic construction is planks bonded together with epoxy to form the table surface, and a frame bonded to the bottom with legs bolted to the inside corners. This is a simpler version of the methods used for the media table I made 14 years later.

One lesson I did learn from this was due to completing this project in a relatively damp garage, so after bonding together all the table surface boards, and bonding the table surface to the frame, the subsequent drying of the boards caused them to shrink. However, the underlying frame prevented the table surface overall from shrinking and so the seam between the boards split in two locations. It isn't terribly obvious, and would be a big project to fix, so I made my peace with it. It also serves as an interesting anecdote.

The two leg mounting bolts per leg are visible here, as is one of the two cross members supporting the middle of the table surface.

Barbed T-nuts provide a strong mount for the table legs. While they are not very aesthetically pleasing, they are practically speaking impossible to pull out. For the media table I made 14 years later, I used solid thread inserts to hide the nut from the outside.