Wood Working Projects

Growing up my dad always had a garage with wood working tools and plenty of lumber scraps to build whatever I put my mind to. After moving out of the house and faced with the dreadful task of purchasing furniture, I tried where I could afford the time to build things myself. This includes mostly tables, shelving, and bed frames. as couches and chairs require more sophisticated shaping or upholstery, neither of which I really had the time or the tools for.

Crib with Drawers

With my first child outgrowing the bassinette, he needed a proper crib. During a trip to visit my parents I built one, complete with height adjustment and drawers

Children's Bed Frame

As my son outgrew his crib he needed a proper twin-sized bed, so we built one together. Built partially from reclaimed wood from my favorite source: bed slat kits that people throw out when moving out.

Media Table

Having finally purchased a large TV I needed something to set it on. I thought I'd build one to my own specs so it could be exactly how I wanted it.

Kitchen Table

Built in 2005 & made to last

Miscellaneous Shelving

Shelves built as needed for the growing family, built entirely from reclaimed wood.