Florian Kapsenberg's Projects Page

A Summary of My Projects at Work, School, and at Home

Over the years I've applied my engineering skills and joy of designing and building to projects at work, school, and at home. This website is a summary of many of these projects.

Some of these projects are a result of trying to solve everyday problems, while others are in response to problems encountered by people around me or merely inspired by imagination. I enjoy taking on projects that give me the opportunity to learn and build something useful, and also enjoy helping friends and family with their projects. Below is a list of projects which I have documented quite thoroughly, click on the images below (or in the menu to the left) to check them out.

Things I've worked on as part of my career. This has generally been structural design & analysis work on aerospace vehicles

Wood Working Projects

Quality wooden furniture built to life's demands.

MATLAB Projects

A variety of ways MATLAB or any code for that matter can be applied to both professional and everyday life.

CAD Projects

Projects that taught me CAD modeling.

Academic Projects

Projects for or sponsored by school

Other Personal Projects

Hang glider rack, model rocket, camper van conversion, backyard deck, etc.

Engineering Lessons I Learned Between College and Now

While working at Astra an intern asked me to be a guest speaker for his class. Given the open ended nature of the request I suggested rather than present on a specific technical topic that may only be interesting to a few if any of the students, I could instead present what I saw as a more valuable topic: things I wish I had learned in college, but instead had to learn through hard-fought experience. 

The class provided a few questions for me to answer in the presentation to maximize the presentation's usefulness. The result is shown here. The reaction was extremely positive, and I have since provided all my interns with this same presentation and ultimately decided to include it here on my web page.

Class Persentation - Florian Kapsenberg.pdf