Apply for a place

Astypalaia Bioarchaeology Field School students mapping the mini-excavation of a burial


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NB We have had a steady stream of applications since November and the places have now been filled for Summer 2024, but we are still considering applications for the waitlist.

Any current undergraduate or postgraduate student at any university in any country may apply.  We also consider applicants who have already graduated.  Most of our applicants are studying anthropology or archaeology but we are happy to consider any background.  There is an application form in which we ask for your educational history, why you are applying and what you hope to learn.  The form also asks for the name and email of a member of faculty to whom we can write, asking for a short academic reference about you.   We keep both the contents of form and the referee's response confidential.

As part of the application we also require students to fill in a medical form because we would need to discuss any potential issues.  The project medical adviser assesses the forms and we keep all details strictly confidential.  Astypalaia is a small island and it is quite a long journey from the nearest hospitals which are in Athens.  In addition, the work requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and, as bus services are infrequent, walking is required, up and down hills which can be quite steep.  Our medical form asks you to think about all this and to tell us in advance so we know how to help.

The filled-in application and medical forms are sent by email to the project director, Professor Simon Hillson (  We follow them up as soon as we receive them and aim to send applicants a decision about whether or not they can be offered a place within a few weeks.  When all the student places are filled, we may offer applicants a place on the wait list.  Once students have accepted the offer of a place, we can send them a welcome pack of emails, giving all the details they will need about arranging travel, payment of fees, food preferences, what to expect on the island and so on.

As with all other teaching and research from University College London, we follow the university's policies on diversity, access, equality and harassment, and on data protection.  We also follow University College London regulations on health, safety and, particularly in present circumstances, the Covid 19 pandemic.


Astypalaia 2024 application v2.docx
Astypalaia 2024 medical form v2.docx