
Estonian native sheep wool Qualities in product development will be investigated in the KnowSheep project 2011-2013 by Katrin Kabun.

Jäetma, Imbi; Kabun, Katrin & Michelson, Annika (2012): Wool types among North-European Short Tailed Sheep

Jäetma, Imbi; Kabun, Katrin & Michelson, Annika (2012): Estonian native sheep wool - types and fineness

Michelson, Annika. Kiltsi Castle old wool sample. 2014

Kabun, Katrin: Wool: structure and properties in Traditional sheep keeping on Estonian and Finnich coast and islands. Project KnowSheep. Tallinn. 2013. Eesti keeles; Suomeksi; Svenska.

Kabun, Katrin: Lambavill. Villakiu ehitus, villatüübid, omadused ja kasutus. 2013 (ppt)

Eesti maalamba vill (Estonian native sheep wool)