Expressions anglaises - Nourriture et cuisine

English proverbs - Food and cooking


To bring home the bacon

Don't cry over spilled milk

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

To take it with a grain of salt

("To take it with a pinch of salt" is more common in British English)

She is the apple of his eye - To be the apple of one's eye

Too many cooks spoil the broth

To have bigger fish to fry

You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen

To put all your eggs in one basket

A dog's breakfast/dinner (British informal)

To spill the beans

To sell like hotcakes

To have egg on one's face

Not have a bean

A piece of cake

Take the cake

"Cookie cutter"

Traduction littérale

Ramener le bacon à la maison

Ne pleure pas sur le lait renversé

Sortir de la poêle pour tomber dans le feu

Prends le avec un grain de sel

Elle est la pomme (pupille) de ses yeux.

Trop de cuisiniers gache le bouillon

Pour avoir de plus gros poissons à frire


Si vous souhaitezdéjeuner au lit, dormez dans la cuisine

Un déjeuner/repas de chien

Renverser les haricots.

Se vendre comme des gateaux chauds.

Avoir un oeuf sur le visage.

Ne pas avoir un haricot.

Une part de gateau

Emporter le gâteau

emporte pièces


To earn money, especially money for one's family.

It is no use worrying about unfortunate events which have already happened and which cannot be changed.

Going from a bad situation to an even worse one.

To accept it but to maintain a degree of skepticism about its truth.

Something, but usually someone, that you cherish above all others

where there are too many people trying to do something, they make a mess of it.

To have more important things to do.

In order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that something should be destroyed.

Is it a proverb ???

Something that has been done very badly. Exemple: "She tried to cut her hair and made a real dog's breakfast of it."

To divulge a secret, especially to do so inadvertently or maliciously.

To sell quickly and in large numbers.

To suffer embarrassment or humiliation; to damage one's reputation.

To have very little or no money.

Something that is very easy

To be the worst, most shocking, or most annoying example of something. Exemple:

"I’ve heard some ridiculous excuses before, but that takes the cake."

"Cookie cutter," when used as an adjective, is defined as a "lack of originality or distinction",[1] a reference to the uniformity that results from the use of a cookie cutter. An example might be a reference to a suburban subdivision's housing, all looking pretty much alike, as "cookie cutter homes".

Expression française équivalente

Faire bouillir la marmite

ce qui est fait est fait

Aller de mal en pis (

Ne pas prendre qqch pour argent comptant - c'est à prendre avec des pincettes

Il tient à elle comme à la prunelle de ses yeux

Quand il y a plusieurs cuisiniers la soupe est trop salée - Trop de cuisiniers gâtent la sauce (source: Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs)

Avoir d'autres chats à fouetter (

On ne peut pas faire d'omelette sans casser les oeufs...

C'est du travail de gougnafier.

Vendre la mêche (

Se vendre comme des petits pains.


Ne pas avoir un radis.

C'est du gateau.

Remporter le pompon. ???

Traduction littérale

Keep the pot boiling

What is done is done

Go from bad to worse

Is to be taken lightly

"He wishes to her as the apple of his eye"

Idem, mais très peu usité.

To have others cats to whip. Poor cat !


This is the work of a worthless person.

To sold the wick.

To sell like small bread.


Not have a radish.

It's cake!
