Think And Grow Rich Book Plot And Review

Hi everyone today's book review is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon hill it's an amazing little book in a nutshell napoleon hill was probably the first author to start writing about self-improvement and success and he broke Thinking Grow Rich to the guidance of Andrew Carnegie who was probably the most successful and influential and one of the wealthiest people of his time.

He got into the mines or Andrew Carnegie open the doors and and Napaleon Hill was able to get into the minds of 500 of the most successful people and most influential people of his time which is absolutely huge this little baby is a blueprint of all the characteristics and qualities that apollyon Hill found in all of his subjects so it tells us exactly what to do it's a little piece of treasure if you haven't read it I highly suggest it it's very cool because from beginning to end you're trying to discover secret Napoleon you'll never actually lets you know what the secret is but he says once you've mastered the 12 principles and then got the last one attained the 13th because of 13th I'll tell you about in a second is something that cannot be learned it just is it comes to you once you have these he says you will find out the secret to success so it's really cool.

If you have read the book and you think you know what the secret is let us know I think I've got a pretty good idea but I'd love to hear from you as well so the first principle of a 13th is desire and he says it's a complete opposite to wishing because when we wish for something it's non-committal it's vague it's undecisive but wanting something so bad he says when you want something so bad that your subconscious is working it for it 24/7 that is when you have true desire and that is the foundation of this book I'll stir desire and after you know exactly what you want everything else starts to build on it the last principle the sixth sense is very interesting because it's something that can't be learned it cannot be disproved and it cannot be practiced it.

Let us know if you want to know about my favorite principle in here also let us know and keep your eyes out for the upcoming book reviews if there's a review that you want us to do get in touch and we'll absolutely do it for you