An Ember In The Ashes - Detail Review

hey guys today we're going to be reviewing the book and An Ember In The Ashes Epub by sabaa tahir don't worry this is a spoiler free review so let's go right to it let's just talk about the cover first perfection it's just such a pretty color I've never seen a cover this pretty I think this is by far the prettiest cover that I've owned so this book actually revolves around two characters there's the character Leia whose brother gets taken by one of the masks which are the army / police force in this book and in order to find him she joins the resistance after joining the resistance she is given a mission to spy on the masks and to report to them what they were doing in exchange for the resistance on helping her find Darren which is her brother the other main characters named elias elias is an up-and-coming mask who just graduated from his class on the day of his graduation he finds that he's in a four-person trial where they fight each other in order to win the position of the new emperor elias actually hates being a mask and he was planning on running away but each time he tried to something just occurs and he couldn't as a read on to the story you find how both characters lives seem to intertwine to each other and a story develops between them two this book is actually not like anything I've read I decided to pick this book up after seeing a few booktubers talk about it.

I searched him online and it was 4.5 stars out of 5 so I decided to pick it up and it was actually a good decision the story did start a little slow for me in the beginning but as you read on it starts to pick up and then you just can't put the book down this books chapters are based off a point of views of two main characters much like Game of Thrones where each chapter is a different point of view it's the same for this one but with only two characters I have to be honest so the first few chapters action he confused me a bit I was actually confused with how they described the masks in the beginning because when Leia describes them it says that she saw someone with a really shiny face.

I thought it was legit just a mask but when you read on into a lie is this point of view the mask actually sticks on to your face and after a while it came you can't pull it off what's also weird about that kind of mask is that it molds into your features your facial features and you can also talk with it and it moves when your mouth is moving so that was really confusing for me the book definitely has fantasy in it and it also features a little bit of dystopian there is a sequel coming out after this book though so I'm really excited to read that sequel I do recommend this book to anyone who's interested in reading it and it was enjoyable to read and for me it was 4 out of 5 stars okay that's it for today thank you for watching if you liked today's content please like and share this video and don't forget to subscribe and check out my latest video so thank you guys bye