Rich Dad Poor Dad - Book Review

Hey this is rats what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor middle class denotes today's book is Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki this book changed my life this book literally made me stop my masters and start my own business if you ever if you've ever wondered what's difference between rich people and poor people then you want to read this book because this book explains it all the difference between the way people think about money that's going to influence how well they're going to do why there's a huge gap between rich people and poor people why so many people are doing so well and other people are working so hard and still struggling Robert Kiyosaki wore ruts his book this Rich Dad Poor Dad Epub in 1997 yet it still so accurate basically it's the story of his rich dads who then finish high school and ended up being a multi-millionaire and he's for that who actually did finish high school and much more than that because he was a PhD and worked for the state of Hawaii and didn't end up doing that well financially and so it all starts with the mindset if lesson one of rich dad is the rich don't work for money I remember reading that and thinking what does that mean the rich don't work for money everyone has to work right well the rich don't want a job the way to get rich and you've probably already figured that this out you're not going to get rich or you're not going to get financially free even if you don't want to get rich working a job right as long as you sell your time for money and that's Robert Kiyosaki's main idea.

The Book is very much similar to Think And Grow Rich which also give finacial guidance to the new generation and has alot of stuff which is similar to Rich and Poor Dad of Robert Kiyosaki. Both give financial and business guidance and both are loved by the parents and are always recommended to the new generation.

Most people are looking into a high paying job selling their time for money they these pay me this much for an hour of my work as long as you think like that you're looking at the wrong direction what rich people do what people who are really wealthy do is the look into having a system working for them having their money working for them and so he goes on and on about the importance of being financially educated and the reason why we don't have financial education now schools because that's probably the main reason there's that growing gap between the wealthy and the others the reason is probably knowledge.

It's what you don't know that hurts you so it's a very controversial book um you'll love it or you'll hate it there's no in-between it will make you think for sure it really smashes it will smash most of the ideas you have about money the way I see it is this Rich Dad Poor Dad book explains a lot if you want to understand the economy if you want to understand money this book tells you the basics of everything in such a simple way that I think is amazing now if I only had one thing to say to Robert Kiyosaki it would be I look forward to meeting you and thank you you should read this book it will change your life you'll love it you'll hate it but you'll remember it that's for sure trust me leave a comment below let me know what you think if you have any questions if there's a book you'd like us to talk about please let me know and I'll see you soon