Ready Player One Novel Review

hey everyone I hope y'all are having a great day and today I'm going to be reviewing Ready Player One by Ernest Cline on EPUBEBooks is there anybody who has read this book and not liked it seriously I feel like the whole planet loves this book like I took it to school one day and immediately one of my friends was like dude that book is so good and then later in the day I went to math class and this guy came up to me and he was like oh my god I love that book it's one of my favorites.

I read it eight times well now I'm on my 9th what that is insane I wanted to read this book ever since Priscilla from the Rita Bulls made a review for it and now that I've read it I can see why everyone likes this book ready player one is so much fun it's seriously just like going on an adventure ready player one is exciting and entertaining it has a great cast of characters it's very imaginative and creative it has some humor it has some romance I feel like it has a little bit of everything but mainly it's a huge nod to eighties pop culture for those who don't know ready player one is set in the Year 2044 where human civilization is rapidly declining and people like to escape reality and enter a virtual one called Oasis Oasis was created by a man named James Halliday and when he died Halliday put this kind of lottery game inside Oasis where the users can find three keys and go through all these difficult trials and the first person to win wins his inheritance the thing about this game is that everything is centered around a tease pop culture which is something Holliday.

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first key the plot just takes off the challenges were so entertaining and really really cool I loved reading about them and what I really really loved about the plot is that Ernest Cline doesn't leave any of his plot lines dangling if he mentions a device or points something out during a scene you can bet your money that it is relevant and that he will tie it into the plot later in the book and that might take a really long time and you might be left wondering um did Ernest Cline just mention this detail and forget about it because like that's what I thought a couple of times while I was reading but by the end of the book he'll have it wrapped nicely into the plot and I think that's really cool the cast of ready player one is extremely diverse and so so much fun