
Statistical models for environmental phenomena


Statistical modeling of environmental phenomena: pollution, meteorology, health and their interactions

Opening session

Paul D. Sampson, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Spatio-temporal Modeling of Environmental Data for Epidemiologic Health Effects Analyses

Session 1: Spatio-temporal models for health data

Pasquale Valentini, University of Chieti-Pescara. Generalized Spatial Dynamic Structural Equation Models with Application to Hospitalization and Exposure

Michela Cameletti, University of Bergamo. Statistical challenges in modelling spatially misaligned exposure and health data

Fedele Greco, University of Bologna. On prior elicitation in disease mapping models

Session 2: Modelling complex spatio-temporal data

Rosalba Ignaccolo, University of Turin. Geostatistics for functional data

Elena Scardovi, Bitbang srl, Bologna. Rainfall spatial predictions: a two-part model and its assessment

Maria Franco Villoria, University of Turin. Quantile regression for functional data

Session 3: Modelling environmental data

Francesco Finazzi, University of Bergamo. A multivariate emulator for atmospheric dispersion models with an application to Aberdeen air quality management

Annalina Sarra, University of Chieti-Pescara. Indoor radon concentrations: a survey of spatial approaches. Evidence from Abruzzo (Central Italy) data

Linda Altieri, University of Bologna. The use of spatial information in entropy measures


Environmental processes and human activities: capturing their interactions via statistical methods

Session 1: Problems and models in Marine Ecology

Alessio Pollice, University of Bari. Fish fauna characterization of a coral area - Alternative data features

Crescenza Calculli, University of Bari. Fish fauna characterization of a coral area - Some preliminary analyses and results

Kasper Kristensen, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund - AQUA, National Institute of Aquatic Resources - Section for Marine Living Resources. Automatic differentiation and Laplace approximation with ecological applications

Session 2: Cylindrical data in marine environments

Enrico Zambianchi, “Parthenope” University of Naples and CoNISMa. Retrieving current and wave fields from High-Frequency radar systems deployedin the Gulf of Naples

Francesco Lagona, University of Roma Tre. Hidden Markov models for the analysis of marine cylindrical data

Arianna Orasi, ISPRA, Rome. Marine environment studies at ISPRA (WAVE data)

Session 3: Modelling extreme events

Alberto Montanari, University of Bologna. Extreme values estimation under change: the never-ending dilemma (or sophism?) between stationarity and non-stationarity

Liliane Bel, AgroParisTech, Paris. Downscaling extremesfor climate change

Session 4: Statistical analysis of storms flooding along a natural sandy beach

Luca Parlagreco, ISPRA, Rome. Remote sensing of the swash zone

Luigi Ippoliti, University of Chieti-Pescara. Statistical analysis of timestack data

Session 5: Spatio-temporal hospitalization data and air pollution

Michela Cameletti, University of Bergamo. Italian hospital admission data

Massimo Stafoggia, DEP-Lazio, Rome. Time-series and case-crossover designs for the analysis of short-term effects of air pollution

Session 6: Climatology and trend detection of the intertropical convergence zone

Elisa Castelli, ISAC-CNR, Bologna. ITCZ trend analysis using 20 years of satellite data

Massimo Ventrucci, University of Bologna. P-spline smoothing for spatial data collected over the globe