Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza – Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

Centro polifunzionale studenti, Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1

Local organizing committee: C. Calculli, A. Pollice, N. Ribecco

Participation is open and free but limited to 50 participants. For attending the meeting, please send an e-mail to crescenza.calculli@uniba.it before July 25th and fill the registration form.

For more information click here.


Thursday 6 September

12.30 – 13.15: Registration

13.15 – 14.15: Lunch

14.15 – 14.45: Opening session

14.45 – 16.30 - Chair: D. Cocchi

RU Università di Bologna

  • L. Altieri - Estimation of entropy measures for categorical variables with spatial correlation (link)
  • A. Gardini, C. Trivisano, E. Fabrizi - Bayesian inference for log-normal quantiles (link)
  • M. Novelli, A. Baldi Antognini, M. Zagoraiou - A new design strategy for hypothesis testing under response adaptive randomization (link)
  • M. Ventrucci - Investigating patterns in macroinvertebrate communities using mixed models within R-INLA (link)

16.30 – 17.00: Coffee

17.00 – 18.15 - Chair: S. Arima

RU Sapienza Università di Roma

  • F. Lagona - Hidden Markov random fields for segmenting circular and cylindrical spatial series (link)
  • V. Egidi, A. Burgio - Hospital admissions by local health authorities and selected principal diagnosis: time trends 2003-2015 (link)
  • G. Jona Lasinio - Review of the activities of the Rome Unit and some open problems (link)

Friday 7 September

9.30 – 11.15 - Chair: M. Cameletti

RU Università di Bergamo

  • F. Finazzi, L. Paci - Quantifying personal exposure to air pollution from smartphone-based location (link)
  • F. Palmi PeralesBayesian multivariate geostatistical data analysis using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (link)

RU Università di Chieti-Pescara

  • L. Ippoliti - Review of the activities of the Pescara Unit and some open problems (link)
  • P. Valentini - A hierarchical Bayesian spatio-temporal model to estimate the short-term effects of air pollution on human health (link)

11.15 – 11.45: Coffee

11.45 – 13.00 - Chair: A. Pollice

RU Università di Torino

  • M. Franco Villoria, M. Ventrucci, H. Rue - Bayesian varying coefficient models using PC priors (link)

RU Università di Bari

  • C. Calculli, A. Pollice, L. Sion, P. Maiorano - Bayesian latent response models for multivariate marine litter monitoring data (link)
  • A. Tateo, M.M. Miglietta, F. Fedele, M. Menegotto, A. Pollice, R. Bellotti - A statistical method based on the ensemble probability density function for the prediction of wind days (link)

13.00 – 13.30: Closing session

13.30: Lunch