Peer-reviewed Articles


  • Baldi Antognini A, Novelli M, Zagoraiou M, Vagheggini A (2020) Compound optimal allocations for survival clinical trials, BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL, DOI: 10.1002/bimj.201900232 (link)

  • Capezzuto F, Ancona F, Calculli C, Sion L, Maiorano P, D’Onghia G (2020) Feeding of the deep-water fish Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) in different habitats: from muddy bottoms to cold-water coral habitats, Deep-Sea Research Part I, 159, 103252 (link)

  • Jona Lasinio G, Santoro M, Mastrantonio G (2020) CircSpaceTime: an R package for spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of circular data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulations, 90, 1315-1345 (link)

  • Moro S, Jona Lasinio G, Block B, Micheli F, De Leo G, Serena F, Bottaro M, Scacco U, Ferretti F (2020) Abundance and distribution of the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea, Fish and Fishery, 21, 338-349 (link)

  • Pollice A, Jona Lasinio G, Gaglio M, Blanchet FG, Fano EA (2020) Modelling the effect of directional spatial ecological processes for a river network in Northern Italy, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 112, 106144 (link)


  • Arima S, Polettini S (2019) A unit level small area model with misclassified covariates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Association Series A, 182, 1439-1462 (link)

  • Alteri L, Cocchi D, Roli G (2019) Advances in spatial entropy measures, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 1223–1240 (link)

  • Alteri L, Cocchi D, Roli G (2019) Measuring heterogeneity in urban expansion via spatial entropy, Environmetrics, 30(2), e2548 (link)

  • Ameijeiras-Alonso J, Lagona F, Ranalli M and Crujeiras, RM (2019) A circular non-homogeneous hidden Markov field for the spatial segmentation of wildfire occurrences. Environmetrics, 30, e2501 (link)

  • Baldi Antognini A, Novelli M, Zagoraiou M (2019) Optimal designs for testing hypothesis in multiarm clinical trials. Statistical methods in medical research, 28, 3242-3259(link)

  • Cafarelli B, Calculli C, Cocchi D (2019) Bayesian hierarchical nonlinear models for estimating coral growth parameters. Environmetrics, e2559 (link)

  • Cameletti M, Gomez-Rubio V, Blangiardo M (2019) Bayesian modeling for spatially misaligned health and air pollution data through the INLA-SPDE approach. Spatial Statistics, 31, 100353 (link)

  • Cameletti M, Biondi F (2019) Hierarchical modeling of space-time dendroclimatic fields: Comparing a frequentist and a Bayesian approach. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 51, 115-127 (link)

  • Capezzuto F, Calculli C, Carlucci R, Carluccio A, Maiorano P, Pollice A, Sion L, Tursi A, D'Onghia G (2019) Revealing the coral habitat effect on benthopelagic fauna diversity in the Santa Maria di Leuca cold-water coral province using different devices and Bayesian hierarchical modelling, AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, 29, 1608-1622 (link)

  • Divino F, Ärje J, Penttinen A, Meissner K, Kärkkäinen S (2019) Empirical Bayes improves assessments of diversity and similarity when overdispersion prevails in taxonomic counts with no covariates. Ecological Indicators, 106, 105413 (link)

  • Finazzi F, Napier Y, Scott M, Hills A, Cameletti M (2019), A statistical emulator for multivariate model outputs with missing values, Atmospheric Environment, 199, 415-422 (link)

  • Finazzi F, Paci, L (2019) Quantifying personal exposure to air pollution from smartphone‐based location data. Biometrics, 75, 1356– 1366 (link)

  • Franco-Villoria M, Ventrucci M, Rue H (2019), A unified view on Bayesian varying coefficient models, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, 13, 5334 - 5359 (link)

  • Jona Lasinio G, Pollice A, Fano EA (2019) Generalized biodiversity assessment by Bayesian nested random effects models with spyke-and-slab priors. Statistical and Probability Letters, 144, 52-56 (link)

  • Lagona F (2019) Copula-based segmentation of cylindrical time series . Statistics and Probability Letters, 144, 16-22 (link)

  • Lagona F (2019) A Copula-Based Hidden Markov Model for Toroidal Time Series. In: Petrucci A., Racioppi F., Verde R. (eds) New Statistical Developments in Data Science. SIS 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 288. Springer (link)

  • Lagona F and Barbi E (2019) Segmentation of mortality surfaces by hidden Markov models. Statistical Modelling, 19, 1-23 (link)

  • Pollice A, Jona Lasinio G, Rossi R, Amato M, Kneib T, Lang S (2019) Bayesian Measurement Error Correction in Structured Additive Distributional Regression with an Application to the Analysis of Sensor Data on Soil-Plant Variability. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 747-763 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Jona Lasinio G, Maruotti A, Calise G (2019) Invariance properties and statistical inference for circular data, Statistica Sinica, 29, 67-80 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Jona Lasinio G, Pollice A, Capotorti G, Teodonio L, Genova G, Blasi C (in press) A Hierarchical Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Model for Clustered Climate data with Annual Cycles. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13, 797-823 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Grazian C, Mancinelli S, Bibbona E (2019) New formulation of the logistic-Gaussian process to analyze trajectory tracking data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13, 2483-2508 (link)

  • Sion L, Calculli C, Capezzuto F, Carlucci R, Carluccio A, Cornacchia L, Maiorano P, Pollice A, Ricci P, Tursi A, D'Onghia G (2019) Does the Bari Canyon (Central Mediterranean) influence the fish distribution and abundance? Progress in Oceanography, 170, 81-92 (link)

  • Tateo A, Miglietta MM, Fedele F, Menegotto M, Pollice A, Bellotti R (2019) A statistical method based on the ensemble probability density function for the prediction of “Wind Days”. Atmoshperic Research, 216, 106-116 (link)

  • Ventrucci M, Cocchi D, Burgazzi B, Laini A (2019). PC priors for residual correlation parameters in one-factor mixed models, Statistical Methods & Applications (link)


  • Altieri L, Cocchi D, Roli G (2018) A new approach to spatial entropy measures. Environmental & Ecological Statistics, 25, 95-110 (link)

  • Baldi Antognini A, Vagheggini A, Zagoraiou M, Novelli M (2018) A new design strategy for hypothesis testing under response adaptive randomization. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12, 2454–2481 (link)

  • Castelli E, Papandrea E, Valeri M, Greco FP, Ventrucci M, Casadio S, Dinelli BM (2018) ITCZ trend analysis via Geodesic P-spline smoothing of the AIRWAVE TCWV and cloud frequency datasets. Atmospheric research, 214, 228-238 (link)

  • Freni-Sterrantino A, Ventrucci M, Rue H (2018) A note on intrinsic conditional autoregressive models for disconnected graphs. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 26, 25-34 (link)

  • Greco F, Ventrucci M, Castelli E (2018) P-spline smoothing for spatial data collected worldwide. Spatial Statistics, 27, 1-17 (link)

  • Lagona F (2018) A Hidden Markov Random Field with Copula-Based Emission Distributions for the Analysis of Spatial Cylindrical Data. Quantitative Methods in Environmental and Climate Research, eds. Cameletti M, Finazzi F (link)

  • Lagona F (2018) Copula-based segmentation of cylindrical time series. Statistical and Probability Letters, 144, 16-22 (link)

  • Lagona F (2018) A Hidden Markov Random Field with Copula-Based Emission Distributions for the Analysis of Spatial Cylindrical Data, in Quantitative Methods in Environmental and Climate Research (eds. Cameletti M, Finazzi F), Springer (link)

  • Martínez-Minaya J, Cameletti M, Conesa D, Pennino MG (2018) Species distribution modeling: a statistical review with focus in spatio-temporal issues. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 3227–3244 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G (2018) The joint projected normal and skew-normal: A distribution for poly-cylindrical data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 165, 14-26 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Pollice A, Fedele F (2018) Distributions-oriented wind forecast verification by a hidden Markov model for multivariate circular–linear data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 169-181 (link)

  • Noviello M, Cafarelli B, Calculli C, Sarris A, Mairota P (2018) Investigating the distribution of archaeological sites: Multiparametric vs probability models and potentials for remote sensing data. Applied Geography, 95, 34-44 (link)

  • Punzo A, Ingrassia S, Maruotti A (2018) A.Multivariate generalized hidden Markov regression models with random covariates: Physical exercise in an elderly population, Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2797-2808 (link)

  • Ranalli M, Lagona F, Picone M and Zambianchi E (2018) Segmentation of sea current fields by cylindrical hidden Markov models: a composite likelihood approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 67, 575-598 (link)


  • Altieri L, Cocchi D, Roli G. (2017) The use of spatial information in entropy measures. ArXiv:1703.06001 (link)

  • Arima S, Bell W, Franco C, Datta G, Liseo B (2017) Multivariate Fay–Herriot Bayesian estimation of small area means under functional measurement error, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 180, 1191-1209 (link)

  • Cafarelli B, Calculli C, Cocchi D, Pignotti, E. (2017) Hierarchical non-linear mixed-effects models for estimating growth parameters of western Mediterranean solitary coral populations. Ecological Modelling 346, 1–9 (link).

  • Jona Lasinio G, Pollice A, Marcon E, Fano E (2017) Assessing the role of the spatial scale in the analysis of lagoon biodiversity. A case-study on the macrobenthic fauna of the Po River Delta. Ecological Indicators, 80, 303-315 (link)

  • Maruotti A, Bulla J, Lagona F, Picone M, Martella F (2017) Dynamic mixtures of factor analyzers to characterize multivariate air pollutant exposures. Annals of Applied Statistics, 11, 1617-1648 (link)

  • Tateo A, Miglietta M M, Fedele F, Menegotto M, Monaco A, Bellotti R (2017) Ensemble using different Planetary Boundary Layer schemes in WRF model for wind speed and direction prediction over Apulia region. Advances in Science and Research, 14, 95-102 (link)