Other publications


  • Altieri L., Cocchi D., Roli G. (2019) Estimation of entropy measures for categorical variables with spatial correlation, ArXiv 1911.03685


  • Altieri L., Cocchi D., Roli G. (2018) SpatEntropy: Spatial Entropy Measures in R, ArXiv 1804.05521

  • Altieri L., Cocchi D., Roli G. (2018) Measuring heterogeneity in urban expansion via spatial entropy, ArXiv 1805.04274

  • Jona Lasinio G, Mastrantonio G, Comments on "Process modeling for slope and aspect with application to elevation data maps", TEST, 27:776–777 (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Jona Lasinio G, Pollice A, Capotorti G, Teodonio L, Genova G, Blasi C (2018) A Hierarchical Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Model for Large Clustered Climate data with Annual Cycles (link)


  • Altieri L., Cocchi D., Roli G. (2017) The use of spatial information in entropy measures, ArXiv 1703.06001

  • Jona Lasinio G, Pollice A, Marcon E, Fano EA (2017) Assessing the role of the spatial scale in the analysis of lagoon biodiversity. A case-study on the macrobenthic fauna of the Po River Delta (link)

  • Mastrantonio G, Pollice A, Fedele D (2017) Distributions-oriented wind forecast verification by a hidden Markov model for multivariate circular-linear data (link)

  • Pollice P, Jona Lasinio G, Rossi R, Amato M, Kneib T, Lang S (2017) Bayesian Measurement Error Correction in Structured Additive Distributional Regression with an Application to the Analysis of Sensor Data on Soil-Plant Variability (link)