
Future Events

  • 6-7 April 2020: final EphaStat meeting - PART I, University of Bologna (link) [MEETING CANCELLED due to the corona virus emergency].
  • 8-12 June 2020: final EphaStat meeting - PART II (internal workshop), University of Bologna (link) [WORKSHOP CANCELLED due to the corona virus emergency].

Past Events

  • 18-23 August 2019: invited EphaStat session "Environmental processes and human activities: capturing their interactions via statistical methods" at the 62nd ISI world statistics conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • 19-21 June 2019: invited Ephastat session "The interactions between environment and human health: encountering big data" at the intermediate SIS conference SMART STATISTICS FOR SMART APPLICATIONS” – Milano, Italy.
  • 22-23 January 2019: Workshop on “Spatio-temporal modeling of ecological data”, University of Bergamo (click here for the program and more information).
  • 14-16 December 2018: invited EphaStat session "Statistical models for environmental processes and human activities" at the ERCIM conference, University of Pisa (Italy).
  • 6-7 September 2018: intermediate EphaStat project workshop, University of Bari. Click here for more information.
  • EphaStat members will present some contributions at the METMA IX conference (Montpellier, France, 13-15 June 2018) and at the TIES2018 conference (Guanajuato, Mexico, 16-21 July 2018).
  • 20-22 June 2018: solicited EphaStat session "Environmental processes, human activities and their interactions" at the 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS2018) conference held in Palermo, Italy: Speakers: Pasquale Valentini (University of Chieti-Pescara), Linda Altieri (University of Bologna), Crescenza Calculli (University of di Bari) and Monia Ranalli (University of Roma Tre).
  • EphaStat members presented some contributions at the following conference held in 2017: Spatial statistics: one world, one health, Lancaster, UK, 4- 7 July 2017, CMStatistics 2017 (ERCIM 2017), London, UK, 16-18 December 2017, SIS2017 Conference - Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, Florence, Italy, 28-30 June 2017, International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen (Netherlands), 2-7 July 2017. See the Talks page for details.
  • 24-26 July 2017: invited EphaStat session "Environmental processes and human activities: capturing their interactions via statistical methods" at the Bergamo TIES-GRASPA 2017 conference. Speakers: HAAKON CHRISTOPHER BAKKA (NTNU, Norway), ANGELA FERRUZZA (ISTAT, Italy), KRISTIAN MEISSNER (Finnish Environment Institute, Finland), BRUNO SANSÒ (University of California, US).
  • 30-31 March 2017: Bologna: final meeting of the StEPhI project and kick-off meeting of the EphaStat project