1. Choose the country

On this unit we will work about English Speaking countries. Why? Because we think that it is good to learn about other cultures and countries. But the most important reason is that the official language is the English in these countries. The final task on this unit will be a tourist guide about some English Speaking Country. How do you do it? We will divide the class in groups of 4 people. On each lesson we will work on different things to put in your tourist guide and finally each group will have a complete tourist guide about some English Speaking Country.

Session 1 Choose the Country

Activity 1

The first session will consist in identifying the countries which speak English; because you will choose one of them to make a tourist guide. Do you know which are English Speaking Countries? Watch these videos.

For this activity we will need a big world map. Next, the teachers will ask you if you know some countries where English is spoken. You write the name using the world map and the videos.

If you don´t know any countries, the teachers will help you.

After that the groups will decide which country they want to work on for the guide.

Activity 2

When the groups choose the country, the teachers will ask them some questions to asses their previous knowledge. Maybe it's better that you will investigate.

- Have you ever been to (country)?

- Did you enjoy it?

- What is the capital of (country)?

- What is the name of the inhabitants?

- What is the typical food?

- What is the most important religion?

- What is the main public holiday?


Activity 3

This will be the final task which you will put on your touristic guide. You know your group, you know your English Speaking Country, now you imagine that some of the group is a journalist who is interviewing them.

Remember to write the script (using the questions in activity 2) and practise to finish recording the video.

  • You make a script (Start, nub, ending). When you will finish the script, your teacher will check the script to rec the video.
    • START :
      • Hello , my name is... I am a journalist.
      • What are your names?
      • Can I ask some questions, please?
    • NUB :
      • Have you ever been to (country)? ...
      • Did you enjoy it? ...
      • What is the capital of (country)? ...
      • What is the name of the inhabitants?...
      • What is the typical food?...
      • What is the most important religion?...
      • What is the main public holiday?...
    • ENDING:
      • Farewell.