2012 WANT WANT Conestoga College

Conestoga College 康尼斯多加學院

<地址> 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4 Canada 加拿大安大略省滑鐵盧地區

<網站> www.conestogac.on.ca/international

<電話/傳真> 電話:519 748-3556

傳真:519 748-5926


作為一家社區學院,1967年成立以來,康尼斯多加學院已一躍成為加拿大主要理工學院之一。康尼斯多加學院位於加拿大創新中心 – 滑鐵盧地區,這裡距離多倫多西部100公里。世界領先企業,如:Google、Research in Motion(黑莓TM製造商)、Open Text、Sybase、Christie Digital、COM DEV、Dalsa、Agfa HealthCare、豐田、ATS、Manulife Financial和Sunlife Financial,將滑鐵盧地區稱作故鄉,因為我們不僅具有多樣性和創新性,而且也具有創業精神和合作精神。

<提供課程 Program Name>

    • 學位課程(四年制課程)(帶薪實習)

會計學、審計學和計算機技術; 建築學 – 專案和設施管理; 社區和刑事司法; 健康資訊管理; 綜合電信和電腦技術; 室內設計; 國際工商管理; 機械系統工程; 公共關係

    • 高級文憑(三年制課程)

      • 商業管理 – 會計學; 財務規畫; 管理學; 行銷學; 供應鏈和運營管理

      • 建築學 – 施工工程技術; 環境 – 土木工程技術; 電子工程技術 – 電信系統

      • 土木工程技術; 電腦工程技術; 電腦程式員/分析師; 電氣工程技術;; 能源系統工程技術;

      • 製造工程技術 – 焊接和機器人

      • 機械工程技術 – 自動化製造(帶薪實習); 設計和分析(帶薪實習); 機器人和自動化(帶薪實習)

      • 軟體工程技術

      • 焊接工程技術 – 檢驗

      • 木工技術(帶薪實習)

      • 木工技術 – 建築木製品(帶薪實習)

    • 轉學分課程協議


如欲瞭解更多資訊,請見 www.conestogac.on.ca/degreecompletion


1. 康尼斯多加學院是安大略省成長最快的學院

2. 康尼斯多加學院開設有110多項全日制證書、文憑、學位和研究生課程,其中包括35項帶薪實習課程

3. 康尼斯多加學院現有9,500名全日制學生,其中包括來自45個國家和地區的550名國際學生

4. 我們的畢業生已‘做好就業準備’,並具有取得成功所需的知識和技能。畢業生就業率達到令人瞠目的88.4% - 這是1999年以來安大略省所有學院之中最高的

5. 傑出的教育和運動設施

6. 康尼斯多加學院與時俱進。隨著新興技術的湧現,新的創新課程逐漸成形。

7. 家長的‘學位夢’可在康尼斯多加學院起步。入讀文憑課程後,然後過渡至我們卓越的學院學位課程之一,或利用我們大學銜接協議。通過這個花費遠談不上昂貴的途徑, 您畢業時即可獲得兩個學歷!

8. 我們的應用學位課程,既可向學生灌輸大學的理論知識,又可令他們掌握學院遠近聞名的動手技能。

9. 康尼斯多加反映了滑鐵盧地區的多樣性。我們很自豪,因為我們擁有一個對所有人都以禮相待、熱情友好、包容的校園社區。我們的“Respect Campaign”活動提倡謙恭、尊重的理念。

10. 康尼斯多加學院位於加拿大高科技三角區。


為入讀康尼斯多加學院全日制課程的在校學生提供4項國際學生獎學金。 如欲瞭解完整的獎學金詳情,請登錄我們的網站,或直接聯繫國際教育辦公室。

    • <課餘活動> 滑鐵盧地區- 潔淨、安全的社區,人口500,000,呈不斷增長勢頭。

    • 加拿大最友好、最宜居城市之一

    • 加拿大增長最迅猛的大都會地區之一,在這裡可享受到充滿活力的文化生活。

    • 擁有一百多公里的社區道路,常年適合步行、慢跑和騎單車。

    • 這裡集娛樂與享受、文化與美食、歷史積澱與熱情好客於一身!

    • 基秦拿被評為加拿大兩個最適合居住的城市之一

    • 北美最大的啤酒節每年十月舉行

    • 5-9月莎士比亞節在Strafford熱鬧上演

<Recent Press Release>

December 12, 2011 1:02 PM

Conestoga grad excels at international skills competition

Jonathan Sinke, who graduated from Conestoga’s cabinetmaking apprenticeship program in November 2011, was awarded the bronze medal in cabinetmaking at WorldSkills London 2011, the world’s largest international skills competition for young people.

Sinke, 22, also took home Canada’s Best of Nation Award for earning the highest marks of all Canadian competitors in the competition. He was one of 34 Canadians aged 17 to 22 to represent their country at the event, and one of four to win a medal.

The WorldSkills event, which takes place every two years, was held in London, England from October 5-8, and featured competitions in skills ranging from aircraft maintenance to landscape gardening to robotics. More than 1,000 young competitors from 51 countries or regions competed in the event, which drew more than 200,000 spectators, including British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Mark Bramer, Canada’s representative expert in cabinetmaking with Skills/Compétences Canada, was not surprised when his former student and protégé won a medal.

“Jonathan was an excellent student,” said Bramer, who instructed Sinke at Conestoga and trained him over the past year specifically for the competition. “His natural passion and drive brought all this together and he performed exceptionally well.”

Sinke was one of 24 participants in the cabinetmaking category. He earned the honour of representing Canada by winning gold medals in the Ontario Technological Skills Competition and the National Skills Competition, both held in 2010 in Waterloo.

The road to Sinke’s success in cabinetmaking, however, began much earlier. Growing up in Jordan Station, Ont., Sinke always loved working with his hands and followed in the footsteps of his father, who was a builder. Sinke took full advantage of his father’s shop, and what began as a hobby soon became a passion.

After graduating with top marks in high school, Sinke decided to attend Conestoga for its Ontario College Certificate program in cabinetmaking. The program, one of more than 20 full-time apprenticeship programs offered at Conestoga, includes eight weeks per year for three years at the college, with time split between the classroom and the shop. The bulk of the training, however, comes from 8,000 hours of hands-on work experience over four years.

Of his experience at Conestoga, Sinke said, “I was very impressed with the teachers and facilities. Coming here has given me many opportunities, such as competing at Skills.”

Bramer believes that there are a number of contributing factors to Sinke’s success, including his time at Conestoga.

“When you win at a world-level competition, it is usually a combination of factors that helped you achieve that medal,” Bramer said. “Johnny had a good family upbringing where he acquired a strong work ethic. He did his apprenticeship with a master craftsman from England and learned a lot. He took the apprenticeship program at Conestoga College and had about eight to ten different teachers all adding to his knowledge.”

This combination of skills and experience has not only earned Sinke awards and medals, but also a job doing what he loves. Sinke is currently working for a company in Vineland that specializes in custom furniture, building things such as cabinets, mantles and entertainment units.

Sinke has aspirations to start his own business one day and is optimistic his experiences in events such as WorldSkills London will help him do so.

“The stories of past competitors who successfully started their own businesses after competing at WorldSkills competitions (is) a source of inspiration for me,” Sinke said. “Being able to have a plaque in my office saying I’m the best in Canada, will help me gain the trust of clients and definitely help me in the future.”

Story by Ryan Bowman, a first-year student in Conestoga’s Journalism-Print program.