Niespolo Lab, Princeton University


I combine field work with applications in isotope geochemistry to assess correlations of local and global environmental changes to evolution and adaptation. 

I am an Assistant Professor at Princeton University in the Department of Geosciences. I am also an Affiliated Faculty at the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) and a Research Associate at the Human Evolution Research Institute (HERI).  

For interested researchers: I am setting up a Uranium-series geochronology lab at Princeton University. Please contact me if you are interested in collaborating! 

For more on the science of my past and current work, please see the research tabs.


July 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Francisco Apen as he moves to a new faculty position at Northern Arizona University. Thanks to Francisco for being an excellent example to the students in the Niespolo Group. You will be missed!

May 2024: Congratulations to Noe-Heon Kim and Damon Dai for passing their general exams!

April 2024: The Niespolo lab has fully installed all instrumentation, including the new Neoma MC-ICP-MS, and is open for collaborations. We are located at the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University. Please see the research tab for more information on methods used in the lab.

January 2024: A paper (Present, Niespolo, et al.) is now out on non-destructive chemical taphonomy of hominid fossils - linked here!

Archived updates:

April 2021: Caltech: measuring ventilation to quantify COVID-19 Risk. Link here.

Society of Women in Physical Sciences blog post — May 3, 2018 10:37:46 PM

Article published in PLOS One — Mar 5, 2018 3:51:29 AM

South Africa: exploring the timing of early modern human behaviors — Jan 29, 2018 6:06:11 PM

Return from the Afar — Jan 9, 2018 6:08:36 PM

Goldschmidt 2017 — Aug 24, 2017 5:46:05 PM

Intercalibration and age of ACs now in print in Quaternary Geochronology — May 5, 2017 4:40:50 PM

Interview on The Graduates (UC Berkeley Radio, KALX 90.7 FM) — Apr 10, 2017 7:47:27 PM

New Affiliation: UC Museum of Paleontology — Apr 5, 2017 9:34:05 PM

Presenting on Stable Isotopes in Ostrich Eggshells at the Paleoanthropology Society meeting & SAA — Mar 31, 2017 5:11:01 PM

Fucino Basin, Italy: Article published in Quaternary Science Reviews — Jan 19, 2017 5:33:52 PM

STEM Student Spotlight in Scientific American — Jan 6, 2017 6:10:41 PM

Paper accepted — Sep 15, 2016 5:51:45 PM

Ph.D. Candidate — Mar 27, 2016 3:47:21 AM

First Results from the Fucino Basin Published — Jan 1, 2016 12:48:28 PM

AGU Abstract Accepted — Oct 20, 2015 7:38:08 PM

Sicily Excursion on Orbital Tuning — Oct 20, 2015 6:13:21 PM

Summer field work — Aug 3, 2015 11:07:10 PM

Institute of International Studies Research Grant — Mar 26, 2015 5:32:26 PM