Students' work

26th April

Today, a composition written by Nik reminds about a tragedy which occured on today's date, The Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion. His composition talks about the frailty of humankind and the consequences of our own actions.

My planet ten years from now

It is 7 a.m. There is no clean water, it is very stinky because junk is everywhere. The Sun is very far. Raining, snowing, drying... That is our eco-system now.

When I was a child, water was not very important, it was nothing special. How pretty it was when I was young. Trees... what do they look like? Oh, yes, they are tall and heavy and... they have something green, right?

Shhhhh... why is there an army coming towards us, wearing gas masks? Behind me...! Something black and full of thunders... What is this?! I'm so scared...Everybody is running away. Apocalipse is here! Bye.. .I need to go because the final day is here! Well, we deserved it, didn't we?


by Nik

14th April

Here is a composition written by our 5th grader, Marija. She did a great job, writting the whole thing all by herself.

My Family Pintar

I have a family. There are 5 of us. There is dad Branko, mum Anita, brother Hrvoje, sister Diana and I. I will talk about them.

There is dad. He always helps me with homework, always makes me laugh and he always gives me some work to do. He is a hard-working person. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is 55 years old. My mum is a hard-working person too. She works at home at cheese production. She is 45 and a half years old. She has blond and black hair, and brown eyes. My sister is a very funny person. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She likes teasing me. She is 24 and half years old. My brother is 23 years old. He has black hair and brown eyes. He likes to play football and basketball.

I like my family and I don’t want another family.
