
eTwinning School

posted May, 2022

Thanks to our various project activities, our school received the label: eTwinning school! This is a great recognition and I thank all students who worked so hard on all projects we created!

There were many projects you created and all of them were very well received! Implementing your work in our classroom was amazing.

Your certificates will be ready on the last school day! :-)

100 days of school

posted Feb 22, 2022

The English Club has again taken part in celebrating 100 days of school. It was fun, it was full of activities, and learning... We linked our english learning to all subjects and hade a very long, but very rewarding day full of activities.

It is also a part of the eTwinning community, so you can see our work in eTwinning under the eTwinning projects.

Pink Shirt Day

posted Feb 21, 2022

22 February is Pink Shirt Day. Our English Club takes part in this day with various activities. Pink shirt day was celebrated in all classes (grades 1 - 4). Thanks to all teachers and students for making this day so special!

aaaaaand also check out our new web page dealing with bullying :

Holiday Comics

posted Dec 20, 2021

Holidays are coming, Christmas is ready to fill us with joy and happiness...

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

English Tea on a Rainy Day

posted Oct 20, 2021

Today, 5th graders and their teacher Mirela Radošević enjoyed a cup of real english tea in their English classroom.

Students were the ones who initiated this event, they were curious and wanted to taste this traditional beverage. So, we asked our cook (thank you so much) to brew a teapot, and the students got the chance to experience some real English culture.

Even though English tea is not only about the tea,

As stated by our friend Google:

"Tea is not only the name of the beverage, but of a light meal. Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford is credited with the creation of afternoon tea circa 1840. She thought of the idea to ward off hunger between luncheon and dinner, as the latter was being served later and later. The tradition continues to this day."

We, however, did not have a meal, but waited for our school lunch instead :)

Students were happy to try, but some of them didn't really like the taste of it :)

However, there were those who enjoyed it, and has another cup :)

Then we talked about this tradition, and had loads of fun too :)


posted May 7, 2020, 9:51 AM by Engleski Klub [ updated May 7, 2020, 9:57 AM ]

This year has been very busy! We have created many project, taken part in many initiatives, used ICT to create projects, presentations, update the English Club page...

You can see all our work here: OUR WORK IN 2019/2020

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See you in September!

posted Jul 5, 2019, 7:32 AM by Engleski Klub

Dear students, I hope you enjoyed this school year as much as your teacher did! Have a great time during the summer, enjoy, relax, play and... come back with new ideas to enrich our lessons!

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The Winning Project - Colours of STEM!

posted Jul 5, 2019, 7:15 AM by Engleski Klub

Colours of STEM is a project created for STEM Discovery Week 2019. We applied for the SYSTEMIC/Scientix competition where more than 800 activities have been reported.

Our project is one of the winning ones, and Mirela Radošević presented it in June in Brussels, Belgium.

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eTwinning School

posted Jul 5, 2019, 7:10 AM by Engleski Klub [ updated Jul 5, 2019, 7:46 AM ]

Thanks to our various project activities, our school received the label: eTwinning school! This is a great recognition and I thank all students who worked so hard on all projects we created!

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Innovate your dreams 2019

posted Feb 22, 2019, 9:31 AM by Engleski Klub

This year our school takes part in an international project - Innovate your dreams, with more than 50 countries involved, more than 100,000 students!

Teacher Mirela Radošević is the author of the official song for the project, for which the music is being created right now!

We are looking forward to sharing the results!

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European Quality Label

posted Jun 27, 2017, 9:56 AM by Engleski Klub

In September 2016 we created a project called European Day of Lanugages. The project was active on eTwinning and included several schools from Europe. The label is a great reward for our hard work and motivation for further cooperation.

Congratulations to all students!

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Summer is here!

posted Jun 20, 2017, 9:36 AM by Engleski Klub

Dear students, teachers, parents and others... summer is finally here!

Enjoy, relax and see you after the break!

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Poetry Celebration is Over!

posted May 11, 2017, 8:44 AM by Engleski Klub

This year our students were working very hard. You can see the results by clicking on the image:

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Poetry Celebration Officially open!

posted Apr 4, 2017, 11:27 AM by Engleski Klub [ updated Apr 4, 2017, 11:31 AM ]

Activity No.1

Poetry is beautiful.

However, children read less than they use to. This does not mean that they do not admire poetry.

They do.

But poetry is not what is used to be.

Written words read in silence.

Poetry today speaks loudly. Our task is to find it. It is interwoven in our daily lives…

Some too simple, some complex and meaningful…

Commercials, movies, and … wait, …..

did someone mention SONGS….

Yes, songs.

Not read in quiet, not read at all.

nonetheless, beautiful and full of poetry.

So, this year’s task is to find poetry in the world of music. Not too hard a task, one might say.

This year, students might not read as much, but the reading and writing is still here. And, the bonus is… most of the students already know they favourite “poetry” by heart.

So, who said students do not appreciate poetry?

They do, but in a more modern form.

So, the poetry month has officially started and students are gathering their findings.

We will try to post new poetry entries every week. Looking forward to reading (and listening) to modern poetry.

The posts will be available here:

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Poetry Month 2017 - Celebrate English

posted Mar 30, 2017, 11:57 AM by Engleski Klub [ updated Mar 30, 2017, 11:58 AM ]

Last year, students of English participated in a month-long project celebrating poetry. You can see our last years activities under the news section, and the resulting booklet here: poetry booklet

This year, the celabration continues.

New activities, new project, we are getting ready!

So, sharpen your pencils, clean your glasses, prepare your minds to be blown away with the beauty of words...

Let's celebrate TOGETHER!

Starting on April 1st (which is also April fool's day) our students will again prove their love for words.

Also, April 23rd is the International Day of English Language.

We are therefore merging these two celebrations to celebrate our knowlede.

Let's celebrate words.

Let's celebrate English.