pink shirt day

On 22 February, people around the world take part in Pink Shirt Day.

The initiative deals with preventing bullying, and since our school actively takes part in antibullying campains, the English Club also had a few activities concerning Pink Shirt Day.

First, we discussed about it, and browsed the Net for valuable information. So, we got EDUCATED.

Then, we created a short quiz, actually, a game, using a Web 2.0 tool Kahoot.

Here are a few screenshots:

The game is created using the platform where participants then take part real time, in classroom. The results are displayed after answering the question. It is fun and we plan to use this tool more often, it is collaborative and simple.

Last, but not least, we created an independent web site!!!

The topic is, of course, bullying and prevention of bullying, and the site is in English.

We plan to build on the site, add new pages, new topics, ... for now, it is informative.

You can see it here:

So, our English club learned a lot about antibullying.

Join in on 22 February, wear pink and support us in our efforts!