Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy

Post date: 26-Apr-2016 06:43:26

Today marks a tragic occurence in Belarus, Chernobyl. On today's date, 26th April, a nuclear reactor exploded, creating havoc and chaos in Europe. Radioactivity spread through Europe, leaving many people scared for their lives.

This year marks the 30th anniversary.

To remember how life can change in a second, to honor all the victims and their families, to remember we are all humans who make mistakes and are not perfect... remember. Talk about it with your families. Read about it. Learn what happened.

For it should never happen again!

In remembrance of this tragic event, one of our students has a composition to share. To warn us that we are only human.To warn us that this COULD happen again.

We should be careful, take care of Earth, our environment, take care of our precious forests, plants, flowers… and always remember, everything is frail…

To read Nik's composition click on the following image:

We have also dedicated a poem, in our Poem-a-Day section here, click on the image below: