5.3.1 (a,b) What Are Transition Elements?



(a) the electron configuration of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of Period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge Learners should use sub-shell notation e.g. for Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s2.

(b) the elements Ti–Cu as transition elements i.e. d-block elements that have an ion with an incomplete d-sub-shell

What is a Transition Element?

At GCSE "Transition Element" means any element from the d-block (not that you would have called it the d-block at GCSE).

You also learn that Transition Elements have Variable Oxidation States, form colourful compounds and are good catalysts.

This is true but discounts Scandium and Zinc which (almost) only exist as Sc3+ and Zn2+ in compounds, (almost) only make compounds which are white as solids and dissolve to form colourless solutions, and are not useful as catalysts.

So, chemists have come up with a rather clunky definition of a Transition Element that discounts these two.

Unfortunately, it requires you to learn a little more about Electronic Configurations.

You probably know that up to Argon (element 18) the rules for filling shells apply without exception.

So Argon is 1s22s22p63s23p6

The next two elements are Potassium 19K - 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 or [Ar] 4s1

And Calcium 20Ca - 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 or [Ar] 4s2

Because as you'll (hopefully) recall, the 4s sub-shell is unhelpfully at a slightly lower energy than the 3d - and electrons fill orbitals with the lowest energy first.

The actual energy levels of 3d and 4s are not necessarily the same for each element but rather than worrying about that it's easier to say that electrons are removed from the orbital with the highest principal quantum number first (usually the highest energy).

In the case of Period 4 d-block elements it means that 4s electrons are always removed before 3d electrons.

Scandium (21Sc) has electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 or [Ar] 4s23d1

As Scandium (almost) only does the Sc3+ state its ions have electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d0 or [Ar] 4s03d0 or just 1s22s22p63s23p6

Zinc (22Zn) has electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10 or [Ar] 4s23d10

As Zinc (almost) only does the Zn2+ state its ions have electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d10 or [Ar] 4s03d10

Neither Sc3+ nor Zn2+ has an incomplete d sub-shell (Scandium ions effectively have no d orbitals and all the d orbitals in Zinc ions are full).

This is what stops them forming colourful compounds (which you don't have to be able to explain but which simple of explanations of which are readily available if if you're interested).

And this is what is used to exclude them from the list of proper Transition Elements (but not from being d-block elements)

So, the definition of a Transition Element is now "A d block element which forms ions with an incomplete d sub-shell" - which may be a bit over-complicated but at least works

More on Electronic Configurations

Just when you thought things were bad enough we come to the electronic configurations of actual Transition Elements.

Filling the orbitals is done exactly as you would imagine except for Chromium and Copper.

Image result for electron configuration d block

Your textbook will probably say that Chromium promotes a paired electron from 4s to 3d to minimise repulsion - which it would.

But that doesn't explain why the same doesn't happen in Sc, Ti, or V.

Rather than worry about exactly what is going on with the relative energies of partly filled sub-shells it really is easier to simply learn that when the 3d subshell is almost half filled or almost filled one electron is allowed to be "promoted".

Fortunately, the rule for removing electrons is the same so:

Cr is 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5 but Cr+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d5,

Cr2+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d4 and Cr3+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d3.

Cu is 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10 but Cu+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d10,

Cu2+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d9.

This means that Copper (l) compounds don't have an incomplete d-subshell - so they're often (but not always) white.
