NGC 7023 (Iris Nebula)

Constellation: Cepheus

Distance: 1400 light-years

The brilliant hot star at its center reflects off of tiny dust particles in the surrounding cloud to create the beautiful blue tones of the Iris Nebula. Ultraviolet radiation energizes the dust, resulting in emission of radiation mostly in the infrared portion of the spectrum, but some red luminescence is seen at the periphery. Beyond that, dust that is only dimly lit hides the background stars in the distance.

Acquisition information:

8/18-19/2012, North Branch, NY

Temperature 52 deg F

Conditions: Clear; transparency and seeing average to good

Canon t1i (modified) through Astrotech RC8, ATT field flattener (focal length 1600 mm)

31 X 600 sec, iso 1600

Mount: Paramount MX

Guiding: Starlight Express Lodestar through William Optics FLT-98, PHD Guiding

Processing: Images Plus and Photoshop CS5