NGC 891

Constellation: Andromeda

Distance: 30 Million Light Years

Tilted almost directly edge on to our line of sight, NGC 891 allows us a view of the dusty equatorial disk bisecting the galaxy. Similar and size and luminosity to our own Milky Way. Sometimes called the "Outer Limits" galaxy due to its use in the opening credits of the TV show by the same name that aired in 1963-1965,

Acquisition info:

10/10/2010, North Branch NY

Canon t1i (modified) through Astrotech RC8 (FL 1625 mm)

55 X 480 secs, ISO 1600

Guiding using PHD, Starlight Express Lodestar, through William Optics FLT98

Mount: CGEM

Processing: Images Plus, Photoshop CS5