Wrote a little connection announcement script

Post date: Jun 6, 2015 5:58:58 PM

I wrote a little shell script for Linux that will provide an audible announcements when the "localnode" connects with the mesh. It uses espeak and has a British accent. (Makes me think of "V" in "V for Vendetta".)

#!/bin/sh # This is a simple script that provides a audible notice  # when the localnode hsmm node connects with another node. # This is useful to reduce distractions while driving with # mobile node. # Jesse Alexander WB2IFS/3 # 6/6/2015 printf "Scanning for connections. Hit CTRL-C to stop\n" espeak "Scanning for connections. Hit Control C to stop" while : do  connect=`elinks -dump http://localnode:8080/cgi-bin/status | grep -c 'N/A'`  if [ $connect -eq 0 ]  then   espeak "Connected!"   sleep 5  fi  printf "." done