Back in the saddle...

Post date: Jun 30, 2015 5:09:51 PM

After a hiatus of a few months, I'm reconsidering the design of the ECS software. The software was taxing the old Raspberry PI B to it's limits and I'm considering another approach--including better hardware.

I've tried Get Simple CMS but it had too many dependencies on Internet based sites, files, and scripts to be useful in an emergency situation. (In fact, pages wouldn't render correctly because the CSS file was hosted on google's cloud.)

GNU Social looks very promising. I've been running it on an old laptop and testing it as a open-Wifi (Part 15) solution for an Internet failure situation in my local community. This time I'll triple-check to make sure there are no dependencies on Internet connected servers to trip up emergency operations.

I'm considering social platforms because it strikes me that much of the conversation that occurs during emergency operations consists of time-bound bites of information and that a social platform might serve these functions well--serving simultaneously as both a communications and logging platform.