#HamRadio: When all else fails! at #NationalMakerFaire

Post date: Jun 9, 2016 12:57:52 PM

My project, "#HamRadio: When all else fails!" Was selected for the #NationalMakerFaire held 18-19 June.

(See for more info about National Maker Faire - Maker Faire http://makerfaire.com/national/ )

"What do you do when the lights go out and cell phones don't work? I'll demonstrate how you can help your community by providing communications during disasters. And I'll also show you some of the new Ham stuff!"

I will bring a demonstration of Amateur Radio operation that will include UHF/VHF voice and digital WI-FI mesh operations during an emergency. I'll be bringing my station and antennas, mesh nodes, a server and and some applications that demonstrate High Speed Multmedia Mesh operations. I'll also have information on hand about how to get started in ham radio and emergency service organizations like the National Weather Service's SKYWARN, Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Radio Amateur Emergency Service, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).

How you can help:

  • Just show up with your yellow ARES/RACES vest and talk with the kids Just pop up on the air and say hello to some nervous geeky kid. Since I'm in NW DC I should be able to hit the new fusion repeater K3MRC @ 145.430 MHz (with a pl tone of 114.8), K3GMR will be fall-back. (Don't know if I can hit K3ERA from there--we'll see.)
  • Bring your mesh node and see if we can connect (I'll be outside so there should be LOS access near by.) I may be able to run a paclink node so look out for some email spread the word. There will be a lot of cool stuff at the faire--in addition to ham radio. Robots, drones, 3D printing, more! Bring the (grand)kids and walk around. (BTW I think they still have open tables Maker Toolkit - Maker Faire http://makerfaire.com/national/maker-toolkit/)
National Maker Faire 2016