My thoughts on the End of Support for the venerable WRT54Gs

Post date: Nov 26, 2014 3:27:31 PM

Part of the attraction of the BBHN firmware, for me, was the ability to re-purpose old, inexpensive, readily available hardware. I saw the reuse of this devices as a cheap way to inter into the microwave bands and play around with mesh networks. I also saw the potential of this technology and resuse as a way to make networks accessible to those without access while saving legacy tech from the landfill.

While I'm a little disappointed that the BBHN team is ending their support for the WRT54Gs, the developer in me understands that newer technologies must be included in the list of hackable hardware if the mesh is the survive the future. And I also understand that volunteer developers only have so much time to devote to supporting all the hardware their stuff runs on. I get it.

My plan is to sell the old WRT54G units and keep the WRT54GS units because they have more memory. After the EOS deadline in April 2015, I plan to flash the remaining WRT54GS units with dd-wrt or some other compatible firmware and use them as switches and "port mulitpliers" for the Ubiquiti devices I acquire. (One of the major shortcomings of the Ubiquiti devices is that they only have 1 or 2 ports.) This will future-proof my continued experimentation.

Going forward, however, there is a great need for an open hardware and open firmware alternative in the current router on market! The $200+ Linksys uber-WRT54 is way too expensive for most of us.

We also need a way for users and hackers to return their old gear for recycling/reuse without the routers ending up in illegal Indian or Ghanaian ewaste dumps.

Let's think this through this time hams and makers.