Zeeshan Altaf

Control of class of Non Linear system using

Fuzzy Model Predictive Control scheme

1.1        Thesis Objective

The main objective of the thesis  to control non linear plant using model predictive controller in MATLAB Simulink environment. In order to achieve desired task of our objective the course of action was set in following scheme.

1.2.1    In depth study of MPC.

1.2.2    Mathematical modeling of plant.

1.2.3    Development of MPC algorithm.

1.2.4    Development of Simulink diagram.

1.2.5    Code generation for optimization of cost function.

1.2        Thesis Organization

The thesis organization has been laid on the base of chapters.

Chapter 1:      Describes the motivation after the Model Predictive Control for non linear System. Moreover, it elaborates the objectives and the organization of the thesis.

Chapter 2:      This chapter consists of the major pertinent research work that has been studied in depth to provide help in the thesis effort.

Chapter 3:      The chapter provides all details related to discrete linear model predictive control methodology. In this research we developed MPC scheme. This chapter gives detailed information on this algorithm. The chapter also covers the simulink diagram of MPC and plant. Further on the performance of the developed controller is discussed based on the results obtained with different values.

Chapter 4:      This chapter entails optimization technique based on branch and bound method. During this phase the basic understanding of BB technique is discussed. Then how actually this is built.