The Mind & ToE

See these sections:


and, in due course:

For more stuff on the mind, here's a few things I've found interesting or useful:

Personal development

I highly recommend this course to anyone / everyone (if you can manage to overlook the American buzzwords & marketing), except probably those with "Dark Triad"/"Cluster B" personality disorders (for which there needs to be screening).
Actually they ought to do it in all high schools.  It applies fairly standard psychology in an intense environment that helps you challenge your limiting self-beliefs.
You will learn many things, but not least how to truly love others, starting with yourself.  And they can help you to free your life from the constraints & misguided "lessons" of the past, or goals that are forever in the future, and instead decide what sort of person you want to BE, so you can then simply start being that authentic person, living a life of passion and integrity.

The power of belief

I saw a TV program about this on Netflix (on 8 July 2016), and it turns out to be very similar to my ToE!

So there you go without being religious or naturally inclined to the mystic, through logical thinking, science & imagination I seem to have independently reached broadly the same conclusions as every other religion and new age philosophy

so I must be right!

Apparently The Secret is based on this:

Intimate relationships & love

Also see:

Yes, I know it's a short reading list above I don't read many books as my mind wanders off too much (maybe because of my aphantasia).

Anyway, you should beware of too much reading (TV of the early 20th Century):

Here's some more Einstein quotes, much of them in common with my view on life:

Talking of change, attached here for your amusement (and my embarrassment) is something of a contrast on my more recent writings on God - my student magazine rant showing "Blatant Contempt for God" (& hypocritical elements of the church).

But I still think the messages of how to live a good life are more important than the messenger / "Him", and it turns out I actually share the religions of past teachers: