Whilst not a complication of GORD, Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE), also known as the "asthma of the esophagus", may be frequently misdiagnosed as such.

It is a relatively recently recognised condition leading to inflammation of the oesophagus, not diagnosed before the 1970's.

The symptoms are similar to GORD: Heartburn, chest and upper abdominal pains and swallowing difficulties.

Eosinophils are white blood cells which are not normally found in the oesophagus. They are part of the immune system. Whereas not much is known about the condition, it is probably a result of food allergies. EoE sufferers are frequently found to have other allergy conditions, like eczema, asthma or hay fever.

It is usually diagnosed by a failure of normal treatments for GORD and test for food allergies may be undertaken.

The following foods have been found to cause EoE and may need to be avoided; dairy products, eggs, wheat, seafood, nuts.

There is no medication to cure the condition yet. Currently it may be managed with corticosteroids with their inherent side effects.

A paper released in August 2015 by researchers at the D'Or institute in Rio De Janeiro, found a molecule known as macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was more prevalent in biopsies of patients with EoE and "the early administration of a drug that blocks the effect of MIF prevented the eosinophils accumulation in the esophagus and the development of esophagitis in treated mice" [o-v]