
You will find here any additions made after the current edition has been printed.

Substantial additions will be downloadable from the foot of this page..

This website approximates to the third edition of the encyclopaedia with new pages since the 2nd (yellow covered) print edition.

(For those who received a printed copy of the first edition (white cover), the addenda downloadable at the foot of this page includes contents that are now included in the main body of this site and the second edition (pale yellow cover).)

Additions to the second edition (Yellow cover) to be found in the third edition (Blue cover) may now be downloaded below - file entitled DWA3 Additions.

These sections may be found in the revised edition due in 2019 (blue cover) and have been added to the main body of this work. They will be removed from here later.

1. How the stomach makes acid

2. Are PPIs harmful?

Evidence for and against plus chemo-protection evidence.

3. Patient concerns

Is the anxiety of the diagnosis worse than the reality of the prognosis?