Heiser Christmas Letter 2023

                 Complacent about nuclear weapons?

Gaza Ceasefire

Collective punishment of civilians is unjust and unproductive. We were sorry to see the U.S. veto of a ceasefire proposal for Gaza in the UN Security Council. Civilians are being killed, driven multiple times from homes and shelters, and denied food, medicine, water, electricity and fuel. Israelis seem ready to drive Gazans into Egypt, but Palestinians are wary of leaving their land, and are unwelcome in Egypt. 

Kamala Harris has announced five principles for Gaza:

We have made a substantial donation to USA for UNHCR, but the devastation and suffering is unimaginable. The scene at Al-Shifa hospital was unforgettable. Criticizing the Israeli government seems to be off the table. We believe the only way out of this mess is an independent state for Palestinians. The hard part is finding an organization willing to govern Gaza and the West Bank and to hold elections.


2024 Election

We are very upset about Trump’s success in the polls, along with his plan to replace government civil servants with political cronies. He has told us what he will do, and it sounds a lot more dangerous than last time.

Only 50% of the population has registered to vote, and only 60% of registered voters are expected to turn out. Trump only needs 51% of those to win. That’s 15.5% of the population. It’s astonishing to think Trump has a chance of winning, but easier to imagine that 15% of us feel neglected and angry. 

We have begun thinking what we would do if Trump is re–elected. We’re leaning toward Canada or the EU.


Ken Keyes

We’re curious about reactions to our newsletter, and wonder why so few people make similar blog-style ones. Google Analytics supervises the free webspace from Google where https://dickheiser.info is actually hosted and gives us a few hints about what connects with other users. In the final three months of last year 50% of newsletter viewers also visited our webpage devoted to Ken Keyes’ Twelve Pathways to the Higher Consciousness Planes of Unconditional Love and Oneness. This link is tucked away part way down a long webpage; Dick is surprised that people are so open to recommendations. Keyes’ guide is particularly clear and practical, almost an engineering approach; that’s a likely connection for a lot of our friends.


Image Forensics

Open source intelligence crowdsources the verification of news reports. Bellingcat is a global project that analyzes images and video. Often, political postings use graphics from another era or country. Robert Capa was caught staging his famous photo Falling Soldier from the Spanish Civil War (there’s another shot that’s almost identical.) Bellingcat will teach you how to geolocate a photo. Image geometry and lighting offer other clues. Fake Photos by MIT professor Hany Farid takes you through the photo pipeline for a systematic look at photo manipulation.



Dick was surprised to see a transphobic ad from The Epoch Times while watching a coming-out video by Abigail Thorn. YouTube’s advertising software must have confused The Epoch Times with the Ironic Times.

Philosophy Tube with Abigail Thorn and Physics without the Gobbledygook by Sabine Hossenfelder are high–quality independent(!) productions with over a million subscribers each. Sabine’s videos were the basis of Dick’s recent course at the PLATO Society.


Scott Galloway explains how generative AI works in 5 minutes. Here’s his YouTube channel.


With the rise of streaming during the pandemic, the Chamber Music Newsletter has become a jukebox of elite performers and beautiful productions streamed free, anywhere, anytime.


Special Report: Greatest Films of All Time

Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan

We haven’t even seen Once Within a Time yet, but we’re expecting it will be a winner. It’s a wordless film from Godfrey Reggio. His other films: Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, Naqoyqatsi

Powers of Ten by John Whitney

Doctor Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb by Stanley Kubrick

Brazil by Terry Gilliam 


New things to say: frolicking, newfangled, deprecate, forensics.


Cornucopia is Half–Full

In spite of current wars and the upcoming election, we are reminding ourselves how lucky we are to be alive today. The only time better than now is the future. Technology, entertainment, environmental and medical progress multiplies social improvements like information flow, tolerance and political representation. Progress is bumpy, but we're usually progressing.


We are grateful for health, leisure, and friends, and hope we will all be safe, healthy, lucky and prosperous in the coming year!

  ☯   Peace & Love! Make 2024 a year of peace, growth and fact–checking! 🇺🇳