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Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab
Join Our Lab!
Emily Dix
Katharine Scott
Laura Rivera
Megan Bruun
Patricia G. Devine
Awards and Honors
Editorial Activities
Tory Ash
Diagnostic and Confirmation Strategies in Trait Hypothesis Testing
Getting Hooked on Research in Social Psychology: Examples from Eyewitness Identification and Prejudice
Goals in Social Information Processing: The Case of Anticipated Interaction
Intuitive versus Rational Judgment and the Role of Stereotyping in the Human Condition: Kirk or Spock?
Overattribution Effect: The Role of Confidence and Attributional Complexity
Prejudice and Out-Group Perception
Prejudice With and Without Compunction
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Their Automatic and Controlled Components
The Role of Discrepancy-Associated Affect in Prejudice Reduction
The Prejudice Habit-Breaking Intervention
Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab
Join Our Lab!
Emily Dix
Katharine Scott
Laura Rivera
Megan Bruun
Patricia G. Devine
Awards and Honors
Editorial Activities
Tory Ash
Diagnostic and Confirmation Strategies in Trait Hypothesis Testing
Getting Hooked on Research in Social Psychology: Examples from Eyewitness Identification and Prejudice
Goals in Social Information Processing: The Case of Anticipated Interaction
Intuitive versus Rational Judgment and the Role of Stereotyping in the Human Condition: Kirk or Spock?
Overattribution Effect: The Role of Confidence and Attributional Complexity
Prejudice and Out-Group Perception
Prejudice With and Without Compunction
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Their Automatic and Controlled Components
The Role of Discrepancy-Associated Affect in Prejudice Reduction
The Prejudice Habit-Breaking Intervention
Join Our Lab!
Emily Dix
Katharine Scott
Laura Rivera
Megan Bruun
Patricia G. Devine
Awards and Honors
Editorial Activities
Tory Ash
Diagnostic and Confirmation Strategies in Trait Hypothesis Testing
Getting Hooked on Research in Social Psychology: Examples from Eyewitness Identification and Prejudice
Goals in Social Information Processing: The Case of Anticipated Interaction
Intuitive versus Rational Judgment and the Role of Stereotyping in the Human Condition: Kirk or Spock?
Overattribution Effect: The Role of Confidence and Attributional Complexity
Prejudice and Out-Group Perception
Prejudice With and Without Compunction
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Their Automatic and Controlled Components
The Role of Discrepancy-Associated Affect in Prejudice Reduction
The Prejudice Habit-Breaking Intervention
Awards and Honors
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